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    afordturtle reacted to deanishe in Copying and Renaming a File with Clipboard Contents   
    Getting the Escaping options right for {query} is difficult for anyone, tbh. That's why argv was added.
    {query} can’t be removed for backwards-compatibility reasons, unfortunately.
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    afordturtle reacted to deanishe in Copying and Renaming a File with Clipboard Contents   
    You’re using incorrect Escaping options. Like I said earlier, don’t use {query}, use “with input as argv”. It’s much simpler and therefore much harder to screw up.
    Change it to "with input as argv" and use the following script:
    query="$1" cp -a "${HOME}/Dropbox (Personal)/Aaron Riddle Photography/Lightroom Settings/Catalog Templates/Catalog - Aaron Riddle Photography Template" "${HOME}/Desktop/Catalog - ${query}" mkdir -p "${HOME}/Desktop/${query}"/{Originals,Finals,Blog,Release}  
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    afordturtle got a reaction from dfay in [SOLVED] Applescript to Paste Text from Alfred Clipboard   
    I was actually able to accomplish this using a combination of applescript (to tab to the next fields), and the Alfred "copy to clipboard" workflow module.
    Thanks for the reply!
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    afordturtle reacted to vitor in [SOLVED] Alfred Workflow to Copy a Folder from Dropbox Location to Desktop   
    When you do cp -a /Users/, the shell knows that cp, -a, and /Users are different arguments because they have spaces between them. So how is the shell supposed to know that Dropbox (Personal) is part of the same argument, and not Dropbox and (Personal)?
    The answer is quoting:
    cp -a '/Users/aaronriddle/Dropbox (Personal)/Aaron Riddle Photography/Video/Virginia Elope Video Template' '/Users/aaronriddle/Desktop/'  
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