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Everything posted by rompelstilchen

  1. Just type in "keyboard shortcut, replacement text" to add a text replacement shorcuts. You have to relaunch any launch app to see the changes https://github.com/huguesbr/alfred2-workflow-keyboard-shortcuts
  2. # Safari Bookmark Manager Alfred 2 Workflow to manage safari bookmark (delete / edit) # Installation You may need to install the gem (sorry...) Right-click on the worflow, show in finder. In Terminal, drag and drop the folder to `cd` to it. `gem install CFPropertyList` # Usage find a bookmark, go to file action, select `Rename Bookmark` or `Delete Bookmark` # How it's done? A bit sloppyly... Couldn't find a good doc to do it via iCloud directly. (and didn't really search for it). Alfred App find bookmark by because of their cache version in the user folder: ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/Bookmarks Each file is name with a unique id. Editing / deleting this file is not enough, it's just a cache.. Bookmark will reappear or be re-edited by Safari. Another file maintain a more permanent version of the bookmarks: ~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist Steps: - find the bookmark uuid (the cache file name, passed by alfred) - find the matching entry in the plist and edit it / delete it (also add entry for iCloud -- see code) - repeat the action on the cache file Source: http://github.com/huguesbr/alfred2-workflow-safari-bookmark Workflow: http://git.io/vBEVM
  3. Allow to toggle some of the system accessibility settings (grayscale, invert colors, …). Usage: - accessibility Invert Colors - accessibility Use grayscale - accessibility … Script auto complete the available settings. http://git.io/v4jo6
  4. Any change to update it for Xcode 7?
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