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Everything posted by rounak

  1. set dialNumber to "{query}" try tell application "Safari" activate tell window 1 try set current tab to tab "AirDroid Web | Manage your phone on web" on error e try set current tab to tab "AirDroid" on error e set the clipboard to e as text end try end try end tell delay 2 say "here" tell application "System Events" tell process "Safari" click at {1014, 106} delay 1 say "here2" click at {752, 397} keystroke dialNumber delay 1 click at {796, 635} end tell end tell end tell end try I have set this osascript as my phone action. I can hear "here1" and "here2" but no clicking is done. The same script run fine when run from Script Editor.app.
  2. I have done that now! Please give me the solution as a workflow download . I will re-state what I want: 1. Type "co <string>" 2. osascript is run on run {query} tell application id "com.evernote.evernote" set notebook1 to "shop_work" set myNotes to find notes "intitle:Customer Orders" set myNote to item 1 of myNotes tell myNote to append text theQuery end tell end run 3. Alfred re-opens with the "co " typed in, without attempting to search for "co " 4. repeat step 2 and so on Edit: Just updated Alfred to the latest stable version and now I have the "Call External Trigger" but not sure how to use it yet
  3. I guess, what I am asking for is not possible in Alfred. I want the text "co " to stay but that is not possible without Alfred searching for "co ".
  4. It works but it performs search of "co " everytime Alfred re-activates which is not required.
  5. I understand that you are talking about using tell application "Alfred 3" to run trigger "com.evernote.co" in workflow "com.username.evernote" with argument "test" but I cannot seem to getting it working for me. Could you please show an example of a workflow restarting itself?
  6. I type "co " & <text> <text> gets appended to Evernote note via "Run Script" Action. I want Alfred to show itself up again with "co ", so that I can add more text. I want to avoid using since search is not required. Thanks. sorry for the edit.
  7. tell application "Alfred 3" to search "to: {query}" Modification required to work with Alfred 3
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