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Posts posted by TheDonk

  1. They work ok (as intended), but I'd like to have the Alfred window pop up on all my screens. So regardless where I have my focus it'll be right in front of me - as Alfred is never opened without intending immediate focus.


    One of those 'would be nice' things, not one of the 'this is life and death' things.

  2. I'd like an option that shows Alfred on all monitors. Most of the time this isn't all that relevant, but when I'm doing research and writing about it at the same time I often look at one screen with e.g. pdf's while my text editor monitor is the active one. So when I toggle Alfred I have to turn my head or activate the pdf reader first. A grave problem comparable to global warming or famine imho.

  3. I'm trying to extend this workflow to change the wallpaper with it. Does anyone know how to apply the new desktop picture to all spaces?


    Atm my script looks like


    set theQuery to argv
    	set thePath to "~/Dropbox/Pictures/" & theQuery & ".png"
    	tell application "System Events"
    		tell every desktop
    			set picture to POSIX file thePath
    		end tell
    	end tell
    	do shell script "killall Dock"
    end run


  4. 18 minutes ago, deanishe said:


    I use the BookMacster app to sync bookmarks between browsers, but it's a bit buggy and I still don't really fully understand how to use it (the UI is extremely complicated).


    Out of interest, how do you handle switching between browsers? Do you just change the default browser so Alfred/the workflow opens URLs in the correct app, or is it some workflow magic?


    I use this one to change default browser, there is also a cli tool "defaultbrowser", so it's possible to use something like Hammerspoon to react to system events (like on AC or not) and call it. In addition, I have a small workflow if I want to keep all my tabs - https://www.dropbox.com/s/w14q8t4vk6utvpu/Switch Browser.alfredworkflow?dl=0 . It just takes all tabs from Vivaldi and opens them in Safari or vice versa


  5. I've used one key trigger before, albeit through a third-party like Karabiner. Didn't like it and changed back, but it's doable.


    Perhaps not as easy as you describe with the abbreviations, but it's also possible to make a workflow and give it an unusual trigger that ensures it'll always match. For example with ",f" as a keyword to open finder, my Alfred would never select anything else since , eliminates all other options.

  6. I make a file filter, set a scope and drag a .md file into the file type part of the basic setup. But it doesn't find any markdown files. However, if I change the extension to .markdown it works. It also works to change the extension to mdtxt or mdown


    Just to be sure, I added a different filetype .taskpaper to check that I didn't bungle something easy - and that showed up just fine.


    It gets the name "net.ia.markdown" in the File Types. I tried a cheeky adding of an object called "net.ia.md" to no avail.


    Now I could rename all my markdown files from .md to .markdown, but I don't want to.

  7. This has stopped working for me recently, after working just fine for a long time. The debugger doesn't really produce much, but Alfred 3 stops responding when I try e.g. Cask Install Firefox.


    Edit: I updated this workflow recently, which may be the reason for the problems.

  8. 3 hours ago, deanishe said:


    FWIW, m wifi is just a very thin wrapper around the airport command. If you plan to distribute the workflow, I'd advise dropping m-cli and using the OS X commands directly.


    Thanks, I actually discovered this the other day when someone else published another workflow doing the same thing. This "m" was just the first google-result.


    Anyways, I sadly think I wasted your time here. The bug is not in the Workflow, the same problem persist from the command line. Both with m and with airport. Sometimes it just won't scan. It could be my machine, not sure. It just didn't cross my mind that I didn't write the error, lesson learned.


    On the upside, it is easy to work-around I think - by making the WF re-scan if the result and cache are empty.


    I'll probably publish it, but I want to make it work with KeyChain first.



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