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    Jarek got a reaction from bivalvegruff in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    Try v2.15:

  2. Like
    Jarek got a reaction from drwatson in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    I think I understand what is happening. I still don't understand why... Posted a query to Alfred, but I'm thinking of a workaround regardless of their answer.
    Best regards,
  3. Like
    Jarek got a reaction from JJJJ in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    Thank you for troubleshooting and suggesting a fix. I've included it in the branch and released v2.13 
    It can be downloaded from https://github.com/jaroslawhartman/TimeZones-Alfred/releases
    Best regards,
  4. Haha
    Jarek reacted to deanishe in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    Bloody hell. That was fast!
  5. Thanks
    Jarek got a reaction from Southgirl in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    Latest version can be downloaded from:
    https://github.com/jaroslawhartman/TimeZones-Alfred https://jhartman.pl/tag/alfred/ http://www.packal.org/workflow/timezones-2 At time of writing, v2.6 is the latest.
    Best regards,
  6. Like
    Jarek got a reaction from stephig in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    I think I've managed to fix the workflow and adding new cities is possible again!
    More changes:
    Added a keyword to open list of the cities in an editor _timezone edit. Thanks to that you will be able to quickly delete not needed lines. When displaying the list and pressing Alt, you can remove a single city (this is fixed now) Unfortunately, you will need to create your list of cities again... But this will also clean up your list as in previous version it got messed up.
    Download version 2.0 
    I hope you will like it  Note, that major parts of the app have been rewritten so I could expect also new bugs... Please let me know in such cases.
    Best regards,
  7. Thanks
    Jarek got a reaction from ericb in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    I think I've managed to fix the workflow and adding new cities is possible again!
    More changes:
    Added a keyword to open list of the cities in an editor _timezone edit. Thanks to that you will be able to quickly delete not needed lines. When displaying the list and pressing Alt, you can remove a single city (this is fixed now) Unfortunately, you will need to create your list of cities again... But this will also clean up your list as in previous version it got messed up.
    Download version 2.0 
    I hope you will like it  Note, that major parts of the app have been rewritten so I could expect also new bugs... Please let me know in such cases.
    Best regards,
  8. Thanks
    Jarek got a reaction from Southgirl in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    This is actually an issue, and this is pretty serious:
    In a short - it's caused by Google, who disabled charge-free access to their services.
    I'd have to find an other (free) service to provide an API to lookup for Time Zone details based on Geographical location.
    Until then, adding new city or update timezones will not work ? As a workaround, add a line with Boston to the config file. Open in terminal
    $ open -a /Applications/TextEdit.app "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Workflow Data/carlosnz.timezones/timezones.txt" Add a line like:
    Dubai|Dubai|United Arab Emirates|25.2048493|55.2707828|14400|Asia/Dubai|Gulf Standard Time|UTC+4||971 Best regards,
  9. Like
    Jarek got a reaction from Miguel05 in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    Hi Miguel,
    Could you please revert to the original versions and give me output from these commands.
    Go to the Workflows and select Open in Terminal:

    Then type copy and paste these lines and paste here the output:
    cat "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Workflow Data/carlosnz.timezones/timezones.txt" cat "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Workflow Data/carlosnz.timezones/configExtra" Then run:
    sh -x update.sh > ~/Desktop/Update.txt 2>&1 This will provide a lot of output
    This should create file Update.txt on your desktop - please post it here as well.
    Thanks and best regards,
  10. Like
    Jarek got a reaction from thec13 in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    In fact, 24h format has been hardcoded into version I've tailored from CarlosNS' version. This has been updated in v1.9 which can be downloaded from http://jhartman.pl/download/alfred-timezone-workflow/
    Format cab be chosen using keywords 'timezone 24h' and 'timezone 12h':

    Best regards,
  11. Like
    Jarek got a reaction from Southgirl in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    In fact, 24h format has been hardcoded into version I've tailored from CarlosNS' version. This has been updated in v1.9 which can be downloaded from http://jhartman.pl/download/alfred-timezone-workflow/
    Format cab be chosen using keywords 'timezone 24h' and 'timezone 12h':

    Best regards,
  12. Like
    Jarek got a reaction from Neil D. in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    Hi Neil,
    You owe me a beer.... at least - a half. A few more updates and:

    Unfortunately, for some countries it does not work but I don't have time tonight to troubleshoot...
    After installing v1.8 run "timezone update" or remove + add all defined cities.
    http://jhartman.pl/files/Alfred time-zones v1.8.zip
  13. Like
    Jarek got a reaction from Southgirl in TimeZones - a World Clock script filter [updated to v1.7]   
    Great tool, however as mentioned earlier, it's missing update to Alfred 3.
    Attached version compatible with Alfred 3 and one more enhancement:
    You can enter "tz <time>" in formats HH, HHMM or HH:MM to convert this time to your pre-defined time zones:

    You can download this version from http://jhartman.webd.pl/files/TimeZones Enhanced.zip (see below for updated version).
    Feel free to merge this feature to the official release (changed file: timezone_list.sh).
    Best regards,
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