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Yiğit Konur

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  1. It is my first Alfred Worklfow - especially first bash I've ever wrote for a reason deserves to share with people. As you know, BitBar is a cool plugin which helps you to manage your Menubar. At last 3 weeks - I was crazy busy by dealing with tens of different things in an hour. That is why I create this script to manipulate BitBar Plugin text by using Alfred Workflow. Installation is not easy but I'll help you: Install BitBar first. Create a directory under your Documents/BitBar-Plugins, move .sh file into this (~/Documents/Bitbar-Plugins/write-into-menubar-bitbar-plugin.1s.sh) Give execution permission to sh file by running this command in terminal: chmod +x ~/Documents/Bitbar-Plugins/write-into-menubar-bitbar-plugin.1s.sh Alfred Workflow: https://github.com/yigitkonur/write-into-menubar/raw/master/write-into-menubar-alfred-workflow.alfredworkflow BitBar Plugin: https://github.com/yigitkonur/write-into-menubar/blob/master/write-into-menubar-bitbar-plugin.1s.sh ReadMe: https://github.com/yigitkonur/write-into-menubar/blob/master/readme.md Github: https://github.com/yigitkonur/write-into-menubar/ Download All Plugins: https://cloudup.com/csuF0DX90nf Packal URL: http://www.packal.org/workflow/write-menubar-bitbar-extension If you face with any problem, mention me on Twitter / @yigitkonur - create issue on Github - reply by here.
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