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Everything posted by OliverJAsh

  1. I often find myself highlighting several files, compressing them in Finder, and dragging the zip over into the Dropbox public folder, and finally, copying the public URL. For something I do frequently, that's a pain in the arse. It would be neat if we could build a file action for this. Edit: maybe copying the public URL to clipboard at the end is a bad idea, because uploads can take hours. Perhaps an alert with the option of copying the URL?
  2. Awesome! I'm probably being stupid but when I run `osascript test.applescript keyword` from terminal, I get: test.applescript:53:78: execution error: No user interaction allowed. (-1713)
  3. I've also found that I just need this. It would be nice so that I don't have to duplicate code. http://www.alfredforum.com/index.php?/topic/249-get-keyword-in-applescript/
  4. There have been various workflows created for using instant search within Alfred on services such as Google. This makes the web searches that ship with Alfred redundant. It would be good if these could be updated so that the default web search services were all instant already.
  5. Potential duplicate: http://www.alfredforum.com/index.php?/topic/133-is-there-a-way-to-get-the-keyword-and-not-just-the-arguments/ I have multiple keywords going to a single AppleScript. Is there any way I can get the AppleScript to read which keyword has been used? I have an AppleScript that I wanted to do things dynamically depending on the keyword that was entered. Preferably, I would like to do this without using arguments, as I only want to have to type in one keyword to run the script.
  6. I see /bin/bash as a language for shell scripts, but I don't see /bin/zsh. Is there any reason for this? zsh is quite popular…
  7. Is there any need for tab completion to work for applications and files? For example, I have a workflow with a keyword filter of "recent". If I search for "re", then I get a bunch of results and tab completion isn't really needed - to access those results I can simply use the Apple key shortcuts. If I knew I wanted to use a workflow, typing "re" and then tab could bring me straight to my "recent" workflow, which is much more useful. Apologies if I'm missing something but I don't see the point in tab completion working for apps/files.
  8. Amazing. Thank you. I will be looking into the code to see how you did it! I tried to make a start by asking on StackOverflow to how return a list of recent folders from that Finder menu, but didn't get very far.
  9. I'm trying to create a workflow that will allow me to easily toggle between output devices. I've found a command-line utility for that, so I've just got to write a little script for it to work in Alfred with a keyword. This script works if I run it from terminal in a separate file, but when I run the workflow, nothing happens. How can I get feedback from this script to help me debug, and is there any reason why it might work in terminal but not in Alfred? external_output="Oliver's AirPort Express" if audiodevice | grep "AirPort Express" then audiodevice output "Internal Speakers" else audiodevice output "$external_output" fi
  10. It would be useful if more workflows were available on a service like GitHub, and if there was a single page listing all the available workflows. The latter could be done in the form of a wiki page on GitHub. What do people think? I'm seeing lots of cool workflows pop up, but having to browse through threads to find them and the latest versions.
  11. I would really like to see a workflow that acts like this z binary does in the terminal: https://github.com/rupa/z It keeps track of folders you have recently viewed, and then you can easily navigate to a recent folder just by typing part of the name. For example, if I recently viewed “~/Documents/Personal Documents/” then I could just type “z personal” into terminal and it would navigate me to that folder. I'm imagining something similar with Alfred. If I recently viewed “~/Documents/Personal Documents/” in Finder, then I could pop open Alfred and type "z personal" (or "recent personal") and it would open a Finder window to “~/Documents/Personal Documents/”. I would quite like to work on this idea with somebody, if this is even possible, and if anyone is interested or has an idea of how you would track/log recent folders in Finder… (an AppleScript constantly running in the background, perhaps?
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