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Posts posted by albertkinng

  1. On 12/22/2023 at 9:08 AM, giovanni said:

    basic features you'd like to see in such a workflow?

    Taskade has been upgraded with incredible add-ons that now allow you to unleash the full potential of your productivity. With the ability to create agents to perform tasks for you and to set up automations, the possibilities are endless. However, I would love to leverage Alfred seamlessly:


    1. Select text or links and seamlessly send them to a project as a task or as part of a task list.

    2. Download PDFs or assets directly into Taskade's media tray from a link by simply copying to Alfred.

    3. Access a project using an Alfred shortcut and view its tasks, enabling me to easily mark them as completed.

    4. Effortlessly create a project or add a task to an existing project directly through Alfred.


    I have more specific requirements, but these are the essential features that I would love to see integrated into a workflow.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Andrew said:

    in your case, you will need to write some code to use this API.

    Thank you, Andrew! Although I'm not a programmer, I would absolutely love to utilize Alfred with Taskade. Now that the API is accessible, I am determined to figure out a way to make it happen.

  3. I was looking for a workflow to use with Taskade, my Task Manager tool. Unfortunately, I discovered that an API was required to create one, but the developer of Taskade didn't have one at the time. This dashed my hopes of having the workflow I wanted. However, now the developer has released an API for sharing, and I'm wondering if using it will allow me to finally create my desired workflow. There's just one problem - I'm not a programmer, and this will be my first attempt at using the Alfred platform for that. Is it possible for me to create a workflow with the API, or is it beyond my capabilities?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Vero said:

    I replied six weeks ago

    My apologies if I inadvertently gave the impression that your assistance was not appreciated. I assure you it was not my intention. Moving on to another matter, @Andrew input was more along the lines of "aiding" rather than simply "delivering information". The inclusion of a useful link and his pinpoint accurate responses were indeed commendable. Thanks to both for your patience and help! !

  5. I have a Mac from 2011 running macOS Yosemite 10.10 and lately I can access the preferences. I can use it for everything I was used to the only thing I can't is accessing the preferences and I need to update a couple of workflows. Is there a way to fix this or this is too old for you to resolve? In case you need to know I have various Macs from different years. Some are used as servers other as App especific machines and M1 as well... 

  6. On 6/11/2023 at 8:49 AM, Andrew said:

    macOS does this by prompting to install Apple's developer tools

    Thank you for taking down the link. The OP lacks technical knowledge and may not comprehend terms like Dependency Resolution, Homebrew, and manual installation of Python 3. If the OP can install Python 3 through Alfred, that's fine. But if they need to take additional steps to install it, they might harm their computer. It's important to pay attention when someone says they are not technically inclined. Initially, I thought I was assisting by providing installation guidance, but I appreciate you taking action.

  7. 10 hours ago, Ash35 said:

    I am not technical

    I've been using Alfred since its debut, and it's important to understand that this app can be either simple or complex depending on your needs. If you're not tech-savvy, I recommend not experimenting with things you're unfamiliar with. Installing additional programming languages like Python involves using the terminal, which can potentially harm your computer, and no one will assist you afterward. The only challenge or advantage with Alfred lies in its versatility, making it difficult to create a tutorial or provide an easy learning curve. To fully benefit from it, you need to have technical knowledge. Chatfred is useful until your free API credits run out, but you can purchase an app for audio transcription in the app store with a one-time payment. Additionally, you can enjoy ChatGPT for free indefinitely with Wavelength on your Mac, which is perfect for non-technical users.

  8. 1 hour ago, vitor said:

    you still need to set an API key so I see no indication that solution allows you to use ChatGPT without paying

    I'm using it now (ChatGPT) without problems, but the workflow (ChatFred) is not working. It simply stops working. I even created another Gmail account, a brand-new account on Openai website and the workflow still doesn't work. Keyboard Maestro is working like a charm.

  9. After the 30-day period ended, I received a notification stating that I could no longer use the workflow. However, when I visited Openai.com, I was still able to use the ChatGPT without any issues. I created another API, hoping that it would allow me to continue using the workflow, but it did not. Therefore, I would like to inquire if this workflow can only be used once.

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