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Posts posted by Fabio

  1. Hi! Thanks for the prompt replies!

    I thought it was possible to select which files I'd like to copy from A to B by using the interface of the automation (Copy with Finder). 

    What I really need: imagine a folder containing a variety of file types, and the task is to establish a workflow to selectively retrieve only three or four specific PDF documents from there.


    Thanks a lot.

  2. Hi, Vitor.

    Sorry for being not so clear. Some posts above, you mention "Now you’ll get feedback when typing the new name,". So, I thought the workflow would suggest names, based in some rules.

    For example: 

    1. original filename: 'some name for this file.pdf'

    2. when using your workflow, it could suggest some different names:
    - 'Some Name for This file.pdf'


    - 'some-name-for-this-file'




    P.S.: How about allowing the use of another workflow to make these transformations an 'input' for your workflow?

  3. Hello!!


    I think Alfred could help me to solve my "problem"... 🙂


    Since passworded pdf files contents are not indexed by Evernote, I noticed that many pdfs that I receive as receipts (by email) and send directly from Gmail (using forward filters) to Evernote are not being indexed. I meant the content of these encrypted pdf files. Ok, so far, so good... I understand the reasons.


    However, I'd like to remove these passwords to get their contents searchable. It's essential to point out that I do have these passwords. 

    My first idea was to select the notes in Evernote and run an Applescript (maybe via Alfred??) exporting pdfs from each note, removing the password by using, for example, "qpdf" and reimporting it.


    Is there any easy way to apply this over a bunch of notes? 


    I really appreciate any help you can provide.


    Ps.: Alfred Powerpack user, using Evernote Legacy and MacOS Monterey. 

  4. Many thanks, Deanish!!!!


    Here is the code I wrote... if you have any improvement, please let us know!! ;)


    on run

    set the clipboard to "{query}" as text

    tell application "Calendar" to activate

    delay 0.5

    tell application "System Events"
        keystroke "n" using {command down}
        keystroke "v" using {command down}
        keystroke return
        delay 0.5
        keystroke return
        key code 48 using {command down}
    end tell

      return "{query}"

    end run


  5. 1 hour ago, Vero said:


    Items are copied to Alfred's clipboard if:

    • They're not from an ignored app (see Features > Clipboard > Advanced)
    • They're not marked as transient data or ConcealedType by the app (e.g. when passwords are copied from a password app)

    If LastPass correctly identifies the copied passwords as transient or concealed, they wouldn't be included. Unfortunately, we've sent that info on to them quite a few times and have never heard back. 





    Thank you for your prompt reply, Vero! 

  6. Hi,

       How about adding an option to "quick add" feature on this wonderful workflow?  Even though the new Google Calendar has removed it, is still possible to go back to Classic Calendar and keep using this useful feature... 


    Thanks a lot!!!


    ps.: I know it is possible to "add quick"an appointment in Google Calendar creating a web search with the URL:  (http://alfredtips.com/s/243/)

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