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Posts posted by Shraden

  1. @Andrew

    1Password 7 is officially released. I have it installed along with the latest version of Alfred, but the open and autofill function is not working through Alfred. I have verified that settings are enabled in both Alfred and 1Password 7 to allow access, just as I done successfully with 1Password 6. 

    I'm using Safari as my default browser and I reinstalled the 1Password 4.7.1 extension directly from their site and from Apple's extension gallery, but the issue persists. 

    Any word on the status of this issue? 



  2. Agreed. I know this is Microsoft's fault and not Alfred's, but would it be possible to provide a longer delay period? I think I might need to be able to delay up to 5 seconds in order to avoid this issue. I have repeatedly complained to Microsoft, but they have not responded. 

    Alfred 3.6.1
    Late 2012 MBP with macOS 10.13.4 (16GB of RAM, 512GB SSD, 2.6Ghz i7 CPU)
    OneNote 2016 (version 16.12)

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