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Posts posted by blacs30

  1. @alexbet Thanks for reporting this issue. So the workflow doesn't ask you for the password for your bitwarden account, correct?

    Which macOS version do you run? Are you running Alfred 4 and have you upgraded it from version 3 or is it der first time you are using Alfred?

    Did you allow Alfred in the Accessibility settings (System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility > add Alfred here)


    Currently there is a known issue for a clean Alfred 4 installation on macOS without having Alfred 3 installed before that. I didn't find time to fix it yet.

  2. Hi @springles,


    thanks for reporting this issue and fixing it. 

    Version 1.2.2 supports spaces in passwords now.


    I've used shlex.split() and double quotes around the password.



    def login(login_mail, mfa_enabled=None, mfa_method=None):
        if not mfa_enabled:
            cmd = "/usr/local/bin/bw --raw login \"{login_mail}\" \"{password}\"".format(login_mail=login_mail.strip(), password=password.strip())
        elif mfa_enabled and not mfa_method:
            mfa_code, err, status, message = build_osascript(login_mail, 'Enter Bitwarden second factor code', True)
            cmd = "/usr/local/bin/bw --raw login \"{login_mail}\" \"{password}\" --code {mfa_code}".format(login_mail=login_mail.strip(), password=password.strip(), mfa_code=mfa_code.strip())
            mfa_code, err, status, message = build_osascript(login_mail, 'Enter Bitwarden second factor code', True)
            cmd = "/usr/local/bin/bw --raw login \"{login_mail}\" \"{password}\" --method {mfa_method} --code {mfa_code}".format(login_mail=login_mail.strip(), password=password.strip(), mfa_method=mfa_method.strip(), mfa_code=mfa_code.strip())
        split_cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
        proc = Popen(split_cmd, env=my_env, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)


  3. Hi Andrey,


    oh, I am sorry. It could be now some issue with keychain.

    Can you please do the following:

    Check in the keychain if a session-key entry exist.


    And could you please also enable debug (the bug in the top right corner) in Alfred and post the result, shouldn't contain complete secrets.


    Thanks a lot.




    Please see version 1.2.1. I hope this fixes your issue.

    Thanks for your patience.





    Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 17.26.24.png

    Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 17.26.39.png

  4. Bitwarden Alfred Workflow




    Access your Bitwarden passwords, secrets, attachments and more via this powerful Alfred Workflow



    * Completely rewritten in go
    * fast secret / item search thanks to caching (no secrets are cached only the keys/names)
      * cache is encrypted
    * access to (almost) all object information via this workflow
    * download attachments via this workflow
    * show favicons of the websites
    * auto update
    * uses the [awgo](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/deanishe/awgo?tab=doc) framework/library
    * many customizations possible


    Requires Alfred 4.1 or newer; NOT tested with Alfred 3




    - Download the latest release https://github.com/blacs30/bitwarden-alfred-workflow/releases
    - Open the downloaded file in Finder
    - Make sure that the Bitwarden CLI https://github.com/bitwarden/cli#downloadinstall is installed
    - If running on macOS Catalina or later, you _**MUST**_ add Alfred to the list of security exceptions for running unsigned software. See  this guide https://github.com/deanishe/awgo/wiki/Catalina for instructions on how to do this.
      - Yes, this sucks and is annoying, but there is unfortunately is no easy way around this. macOS requires a paying Developer account for proper app notarization. I'm afraid I'm not willing to pay a yearly subscription fee to Apple just so that this (free and open source) project doesn't pester macOS Gatekeeper


    To use, activate Alfred and type `.bw` to trigger this workflow. From there:

    - type `.bwauth` for login/logout/unlock/lock
    - type `.bwconfig` for settings/sync/workflow update/help/issue reports
    - type any search term to search for secrets/notes/identities/cards
    - modifier keys and actions are presented in the subtitle, different actions are available depending on the object type


    Advanced Features / Configuration

    Please see the README in the git repository, the table is better formatted over there https://github.com/blacs30/bitwarden-alfred-workflow/blob/master/README.md

    Develop locally

    1. Install alfred cli <br>
    `go get -u github.com/jason0x43/go-alfred/alfred`

    2. Clone [this repo](https://github.com/blacs30/bitwarden-alfred-workflow).

    3. Link the workflow directory with Alfred <br>
    `cd workflow; alfred link`

    4. Install dependency and run the first build<br>
    `make build`


    Colors and Icons

    *Light blue*

    Hex: #175DDC <br>
    RGB: 23,93,220

    *Darker blue*

    Hex: #134db7 <br>
    RGB: 20,81,192

    Get icons as pngs here https://fa2png.app/ and this is the browser https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheet

    Licensing and Thanks

    The icons are based on [Bitwarden Brand](https://github.com/bitwarden/brand) , (https://fontawesome.com/) and [Material Design](https://materialdesignicons.com/) Icons.

    Parts of the README are taken over from [alfred-aws-console-services-workflow](https://github.com/rkoval/alfred-aws-console-services-workflow)

    Source that helped me to get started

    - [Writing Alfred workflows in Go](https://medium.com/@nikitavoloboev/writing-alfred-workflows-in-go-2a44f62dc432)
    - [Example of the awgo package] (https://github.com/deanishe/awgo/blob/master/_examples/update/main.go)
    - [awgo package](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/deanishe/awgo?tab=doc)


    - "I'm seeing the following dialog when running the workflow" catalina-warning.png

      Per the installation steps https://github.com/blacs30/bitwarden-alfred-workfloww#installation, you **_MUST_** add Alfred to the list of Developer Tool exceptions for Alfred to run any workflow that contains an executable (like this one)

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