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Posts posted by egla

  1. How'd you hide the subtext? I tried just changing the opacity, but then result text isnt vertically aligned. Thanks.



    Hey it's fairly easy and doesn't involve any messing with the theme itself. While in the "Appearance" Menu in the Alfred settings there is an "Options" Button in the lower left corner of the window, in which you can choose to never show subtext.


    I hope I could help you

  2. Thank you so far! I want to filter the results, by typing part of the name. But this already works. I already have a working script filter that gives me a list of options I can scroll through or search in by typing a portion of the name.


    What I want to do though is after hitting enter on a specific option in the list it opens a certain URL. The script filter passes the chosen option to the "run script" part (this works already. if I just add "large type" as output instead of a script, it shows the chosen option in large type) and then the "run script" choses what URL to access based on the input it gets from the script filter.


    I hope that clears it up a bit

  3. Hey guys!


    I am not a programmer at all, but I am trying to create a workflow for something I use a lot.

    What the workflow should do is after typing a keyword it presents a list of options (around 35). based on what option I choose it opens a specific URL.


    I managed to create the list of options after the keyword, but now I am stuck at finding a way to open a specific URL based on the chosen option/query.


    is there a way similar to this, or am I completely on the wrong way?


    if {query}="option1"


      open -a Safari http://url1.com

    elif {query}="option2"


      open -a Safari http://url2.com


      open a- Safari http://url3.com



    Thank you!


  4. Just out of interest, which style is more popular, light or dark?


    Also, under edit 3 you said "Updated version under the same link". How did you do that? I didn't think that was possible with Droplr, unless you point the short URL to a Dropbox URL and update the file on the Dropbox end.

     The Light version was downloaded about 25% more often. Interesting fact: Most people download both versions, so the Light version is also more downloaded by people who just download one version. 


    With the link it was more a saying pointing to the fact that there is not another link later in my post, but you can download the new version at the same place as the old one. So it is not really the same link, more the same place in my post. English is not my native language, so I apologize if I created confusion here :D

  5. Lovely. Very, very close to mine: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/850-the-minimalist-almost-white-v2


    I find the hint text helpful at times, but I hid it for all but the selected item.

    Yes, I like yours too. I just prefer both Helvetica and slightly rounded corners to make the Alfred window more consistent with OSX. In general I am not a huge fan of Serif fonts in UIs

  6. I can't explain it.  I am using Safari and I haven't done much to change the original settings as I am not very computer literate.  That's probably why it took me a while to realize I had to delete the "txt" ending.  It's not just your theme that downloads as a text file.  All the ones I have tried from different authors download that way too.

    Oh yes I just tried it with safari and it doesn't work. I will take a look at it and try to solve the problem. Until then, just right click the link and click safe file


    Edit: I use Droplr now and it works with Safari very well now

  7. It took me a while to figure out that in order to get these files to open in Alfred that you need to delete "txt" and make them "alfredappearance" files.

    Must be something with your browser/browser settings. Everybody I asked automatically downloaded the .alfredappearance files and not a txt 

    (which is really strange, because the files on my Dropbox are the .alfredappearance files

  8. Hey I made another minimalistic theme, as none fit my wishes really well!









    Minimalistic 3





    Minimalistic 3 Dark Mode





    Minimalistic Light 3





    Minimalistic Dark 3






    Minimalistic 3



    Minimalistic 3 Dark Mode



    Minimalistic Light 3



    Minimalistic Dark 3





    Thanks for the more than 10000 downloads!


    EDIT: Changed the color of the numbers for better readability for Minimalistic Light 3

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