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Posts posted by scaba

  1. @Andrew I had not, so I just tried. I dragged the Emacs.app symlink into that box, but it still doesn't show up in Alfred. I also cleared the app cache to make sure. This was working in Mojave so I'm thinking something in Catalina changed that causes Alfred to no longer follow the symlink or even recognize them as such. And since .app files are directories, you can't make hardlinks to them, which could possibly have been a workaround. However, running `open -a Emacs.app` does work, so for now I just do that. Plus, how often do you need to restart Emacs anyway :)

  2. I use emacs-plus from Homebrew. `brew link emacs-plus` creates a symlink in /Applications to the Emacs.app dir that lives in the Homebrew dir. Since upgrading to Catalina I can no longer see Emacs in the Alfred search bar. If I add the /usr/local/opt/emacs-plus dir to Alfred - which is itself a symlink - it resolves to the actual dir as illustrated below, but Emacs still does not show up as an option when I search. Adding /usr/local/opt to the Applications list in Alfred also has no effect.


    /Applications/Emacs.app -> /usr/local/opt/emacs-plus/Emacs.app

    /usr/local/opt/emacs-plus -> ../Cellar/emacs-plus/HEAD-3a95ce1


    macOS: Catalina 10.15 Beta (19A471t)

  3. @vitor It looks like userland apps are now in /System/Volumes/Data/Device/Applications and /Applications is some sort of file system alias to that, probably some sort of hard symlink. I added a symlink for the homebrew Emacs-plus to /Applications and it also shows up in /System/Volumes/Data/Device/Applications. However, now that linked app does not show up in Alfred, though the rest in that dir do. I imagine it has to do with the symlink

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