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Posts posted by andy4222

  1. I can't post in the main thread linked in Alfred.app for this workflow. Getting a permission issue with `You do not have permission to view this topic`. So posting a new thread


    Anyway, I'm not able to search my obsidian vault using this the workflow for some reason. All other workflow action work for shimmering obsidian, I'm on v4.7.2 for workflow and 5.5 for Alfred.




    [01:30:28.643] Logging Started...
    [01:30:32.383] Shimmering Obsidian[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'
    [01:30:32.661] Shimmering Obsidian[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished
    [01:30:32.668] ERROR: Shimmering Obsidian[Script Filter] Code 1: /Users/<user>/backups/app_preferences/alfred_preferences/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.025E0CDA-97DB-4B3B-B649-674BE2A4AA4D/scripts/o_search.js: execution error: Error: TypeError: relPath.includes is not a function. (In 'relPath.includes(filter)', 'relPath.includes' is undefined) (-2700)


  2. Building a workflow where I need to have multiple keyword objects, each setting an argument that is opened via "Open URL". For each of these keywords, I want to keep the `Keyword` and the `Title` value same. Since I would duplicate these Keyword objects many times, I only want to update the keyword value and title should be set automatically. How can I do that? I see {const:alfred_workflow_keyword} is available but it didn't work for me.




  3. On 4/17/2024 at 3:28 PM, vitor said:

    you’d be typing something in Alfred and then the whole interface would change from under you to something different,


    I'm not sure I completely follow. Isn't the Alfred results bar doing the same thing? The results change right, same can happen with grid view? As a user, all I'm looking for is ability to search files (same as Alfred's default file search) with their thumbnail visible.

  4. I tried the Thumbnail Navigation. In that I need to press a keyword > search for a folder > then it shows it's thumbnails in the folder (and i can search within them). Any way i can just press a keyword and it shows all files (with thumbnails) and then i can search within them. This is the way the Alfred's default file search works but it doesnt have thumbnails of course (released in grid view)

  5. Trying to setup a workflow where pressing enter would copy the file to clipboard. I know this can be accomplished via Universal Actions but I just want to press enter on the results and have it be copied to the clipboard. 


    The `Copy File to Clipboard` doesn't show up in `Action in Alfred` and neither in Automaton Tasks (if only has Copy Image to Clipboard). How can I accomplish this?








  6. Is there a programatic way to flush this cache? I have a script filter that reads a directory with 100s of files and builds the results for the script filter. these files don't change often and hence I was creating another file where I would cache these results. however, when sometimes this directory has addition/removal of files and I have to refresh the cache file as well. Right now, I'm doing this refresh with a script. Any way to use this cache feature and flush the cache when needed. Not sure if the options listed help without me open the workflow in alfred preferences. 



    • Editing the Script Filter object.
    • Clicking Flush in the debugger.
    • Reloading the workflow.



  7. If you are really paranoid (not saying you are), another thing you can do is install LuLu (open source firewall) that can block outgoing network connections from any app. So any malicious script can't get data out of your machine. However, you'd lose out on the availability of updates to Alfred app and workflows (from Alfred gallery), so you'd have to do that manually by downloading app and workflow updates. It's usually not recommended unless you know what you are doing, because it can block some connections from apps by mistake and can take you sometime to figure out.

  8. Seems like the shortcut `Upload to Imgur` is broken. Tons of threads on reddit asking the same thing. 


    Anyway, as a makeshift (or maybe permanent) solution, I moved to ImgBB to upload pics. Here is a quick workflow I put together


    @vitorI face a few issue when building this. When using RunSript with python (/usr/bin/python3), does Alfred use a virtual env or global? I tried installing package (`requests`) via pip3 and macOS complained with the below error. I had to override it with `pip3 install requests --break-system-packages`. Any guidance on how to setup python correctly to work with Alfred? Use the default python? Homebrew? How would virtual envs work. (this may not be an Alfred issue but your guidance might help)



    error: externally-managed-environment

    × This environment is externally managed
    ╰─> To install Python packages system-wide, try brew install
        xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to

        If you wish to install a non-brew-packaged Python package,
        create a virtual environment using python3 -m venv path/to/venv.
        Then use path/to/venv/bin/python and path/to/venv/bin/pip.



  9. @vitorany recent change to this workflow. It suddenly stopped working. It's copying the local file path instead of imgur. Was working until last week. 


    Workflow version: 2024.3

    Alfred version: Alfred 5.5 [2257]

    macOS Sonoma 14.4



    [22:02:38.083] Screenshots[Automation Task] Running task 'Is Shortcut Installed?' with arguments (
        "Upload to Imgur"
    [22:02:38.211] Screenshots[Automation Task] Processing complete
    [22:02:38.218] Screenshots[Automation Task] Passing output 'true' to Conditional
    [22:02:38.675] Screenshots[Run Shortcut] Processing complete
    [22:02:38.685] Screenshots[Run Shortcut] Passing output '' to Copy to Clipboard
    [22:02:38.687] Screenshots[Copy to Clipboard] Processing complete
    [22:02:38.688] Screenshots[Copy to Clipboard] Passing output '' to Post Notification
    [22:02:38.690] Screenshots[Run Shortcut] Split Arg modified incoming arg from '' to '{var:image_paths}'
    [22:02:38.691] Screenshots[Run Shortcut] Passing output '/Users/<USER>/Downloads/IMG_2674.PNG' to Split Arg
    [22:02:38.692] Screenshots[Split Arg] Processing complete
    [22:02:38.693] Screenshots[Split Arg] Passing output '(
    )' to Conditional



  10. 2 hours ago, Stephen_C said:

    have copied the filename from Finder


    Thanks for answering @Stephen_C. No, that's not the case, which is why I mentioned in my post that the system clipboard has the image/file but Alfred only has the file name. Here is a video showing that:






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