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Posts posted by dave

  1. 19 hours ago, Vero said:

    @dave Could you please type "reload" into Alfred and see whether this clears any of the results?


    Otherwise, please do take a look at the link provided by @Stephen_C as you may benefit from rebuilding your index. 


    Let us know how you get on :)



    Hi Vero,


    thanks for the suggestion, running "reload" worked. I'll let you know should I encounter this issue again. I am fairly certain I ran the index rebuild recently.


  2. When I enter `com` in alfred, I get a list of `Computer` entries (see attachment).


    What I actually want to see is the web search/link shortcut I set up. I also would want to see the web search prior to the Computer entry if possible.


    This is reproducible and the list is growing every day, though not sure if it's with every single use of the lookup.


    5.0.6 Build 2110

    macOS 13.1

    Bildschirm­foto 2023-02-01 um 09.14.51.png

  3. Was not sure if to create a new thread or just append to this one so did the latter. It would be great if the ability to calculate time duration could be implemented, for example I would type the following = 8:30 AM - 6:15PM and the value of 10:15 would be displayed. The implementation of the Excel calculations on the following link would be great or at least the basic one (=TEXT(B2-A2,"h:mm")




    I believe it would be of great value to anyone in the work force, I noticed quite a few people have a separate excel (or numbers) document open just do this this calculation. 


    I second this one, I find myself regularly trying to get Alfred to calculate time differences, e.g. 10:15-1:50. It should be possible to add this as a workflow, but native support would be awesome.



  4. I would prefer to have the script distinguish between day/days, hour/hours and minute/minutes if moving from the current really plain approach to a more sophisticated implementation. No need for a cryptic perl/sed/awk script, though. Simple, understandable php, python or shell is fine. Anyone?

  5. I created a small workflow displaying the system's uptime in a notification.




    This is also useful as an example for integrating scripts in your workflow.




    - David


    EDIT: corrected the download link to a private hosting provider, wikisend appears to be dubious. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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