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Andy Rosen

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  1. I got Add item working again. Also fixed logging into Bitwarden in EU. The Login to Bitwarden menu item shows which Bitwarden server you're logging in to. Download link 6.3.0 Fix and reintroduce Add item Show which Bitwarden server is being used in the Login to Bitwarden title Fix server URL for bitwarden.eu again 6.2.2 Fix server URL for bitwarden.eu
  2. I was actually just thinking about this today. It should work by changing the port number in one of the workflows. I thought it was a configuration option, but you can do it by changing the 8087 in line 17 in lib/env.sh to some other, unused port number. bwport=${bwport:-8087} You probably need to change the workflow and search keywords as well.
  3. Apparently I've been forgetting to update this thread on new releases 🙁. We're up to 6.2.1 now. Download link 6.2.1 Fix opening an item's URL when there is more than one 6.2.0 Cleanup subtitles for inactive modifiers Add cmd+control and cmd+alt modifiers Comment out Add item (currently broken, probably a bug in the Bitwarden CLI) Look for jq in /usr/bin (for Sequoia 15.1+) Expanded README 6.1.3 Create alfred_workflow_cache directory every time, not just when checking dependencies Don't display notification when not restoring an item from trash 6.1.2 Fix setting default collection Add logging to jq scripts Check for workflow version changes 6.1.1 Fix setting default organization Performance improvements
  4. Version 6.1.0 Download link Search deleted items and restore them Add support for Zen browser Use --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 5 on all calls to curl Clean up some outputs and log messages Bug fixes Unlock vault with two different payload formats
  5. Version 6.0.0 Download link Add a new login item to your vault You will be prompted for the item's Name, Username, and Password. If your web browser is the front-most window, the default Name will be the active tab's domain name. The default Username will be your Bitwarden email address. The default Password will be a random password generated by Bitwarden. It is 20 characters and includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Add vault timeout like the desktop app and browser extension Performance improvements Bug fixes
  6. Version 5.1.1 Download link * Search for dependencies (bitwaden-cli, jq) installed with Nix * Post unlock payload in JSON format
  7. Version 5.0.0 Pretty significant release! Download link Edit an item directly in the workflow Choose Edit Item from the More Actions menu You can edit an item's Username, Password, and Name Navigate an item without leaving Alfred Highlight an item and invoke Alfred's Universal Action Added "return to" item in all menus to navigate to the previous menu in the workflow Use Control + Command from the search menu to open an item's URL in your default browser Include an item's ID, type, and Revision Date in the Show all fields window Show No items found if the search list is empty
  8. FYI, 2024.7.1 was released a few days ago. It's been working well for me, but there are still reports that it's not working, mostly on Windows. Caveat emptor.
  9. DO NOT UPGRADE BITWARDEN-CLI PAST 2024.6.0 A bug was introduced in version 2024.6.1 of the Bitwarden CLI that prevents you from unlocking your vault. Version 2024.7.0, released yesterday, does not fix it. Homebrew currently has 2024.6.1. https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/9919
  10. Hi @jk-alfred, thanks for using the workflow! If I understand the first request (1.a and 1.b), you'd like to change the Command modifier to open an item's URL instead of copying its Notes field? I'm reluctant to change modifier settings, as there may be people who have gotten used to the current ones. I can offer to add a new one. For 1.c, in my testing, opening an item in the web vault requires me to login, even if I'm already logged in. This is true at least for Firefox and Safari. That's why I've left it out. I can add ItemId, Type, and RevisionDate to Show all fields and Navigate item in Alfred. And I like the idea of a Return to Previous Page line; I would probably use that myself. For the last one, I don't think there's enough room to show all the buttons. The subtitle/tooltip does change when you hold a modifier key down.
  11. Version 4.2.0 Download link Add support for Firefox Developer Edition
  12. Version 4.1.2 Download link Hide password and MFA even from debug messages Always sync vault immediately after unlocking
  13. I totally understand. I switched from LastPass to Bitwarden for similar reasons. It seemed development had stopped, especially the CLI, and it was too expensive to live with its flaws. I don't quite remember why I originally settled on LastPass over 1Pasword; too long ago.
  14. Does the desktop app and/or browser extension perform better? I have about 600 items in my vault. My M1 Air takes about 0.3 seconds (curl) and 3.2 seconds (bw list). If rebooting doesn't help you might want to open an issue with Bitwarden on GitHub here.
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