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  1. I tried to add \n in my subtitle, but it didn't work. Is there any way to display more than one row for subtitle in the results list?
  2. @mrwynn You had the exact same problem as I did with contacts showing up in the result list. My problem is solved. 1. ensure that you have the latest version of the workflow 2. quit Alfred and restart Some result items was stuck in some Alfred cache. Maybe those items where cached when I used an older workflow version which crashed.
  3. Great find! That was the problem. After restarting Alfred everything now works as it should. It was a scary thing to quit Alfred though. How do you start Alfred without Alfred? I had to use the mouse and try to click my way through Mac menus 😃 Now, when everything works it's time for kudos. This is a really great workflow. And the support is outstanding! Med hälsningar från Tyresö.
  4. This should not be a fallback problem, partly because raindrop is the only problem and partly because of this setting:
  5. The obsidian workflow also uses argv. So far the only difference seems to be argv vs query as input.
  6. As stated earlier, no other workflows works like this. This includes one I wrote myself as well as shimmering-obsidian. As soon as I hit space after the repsective keyword, all other results disappears. Not so with raindrop. I tried to see what differs between my own workflow and raindrop. Here are screenshots from both. Mine is a Node script: Raindrop:
  7. You are right. I don't know how I got hold of an old version. I just installed the workflow. After installing the latest version, ra+space now works. But both r and ra still shows result mixed with other Alfred results.
  8. I see now that "ra+space+test" crashes: [15:08:02.096] Search Raindrop.io[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'test' [15:08:02.578] Search Raindrop.io[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [15:08:02.583] ERROR: Search Raindrop.io[Script Filter] Code 1: 6194:6361: execution error: sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file (2)
  9. When I type ra+space, nothing happens. Not a single row shows up in the log. This is the log from r+space: --- [15:00:08.126] Logging Started... [15:00:10.934] Search Raindrop.io[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)' [15:00:11.329] Search Raindrop.io[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [15:00:11.338] STDERR: Search Raindrop.io[Script Filter] 🍺 15:00:10 workflow.go:328: ----- Search Raindrop.io/2.0.7 (AwGo/0.27.1) ----- 15:00:11 feedback.go:509: Sent 2 result(s) to Alfred 15:00:11 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 298.1675ms ------------------- [15:00:11.339] Search Raindrop.io[Script Filter] { "variables": { "AW_SESSION_ID": "SEZK85NZZ6RNLZJL" }, "items": [ { "title": "Search your Raindrop.io bookmarks", "subtitle": "Or press enter to open Raindrop.io", "arg": "https://app.raindrop.io/", "valid": true, "variables": { "goto": "open" }, "mods": { "alt": { "arg": "https://app.raindrop.io/", "subtitle": "Or press enter to open Raindrop.io", "variables": { "goto": "open" } } } }, { "title": "Browse your Raindrop.io collections", "subtitle": "", "valid": true, "icon": { "path": "folder.png" }, "variables": { "goto": "browse" }, "mods": { "alt": { "subtitle": "", "variables": { "goto": "browse" } } } } ] }
  10. Update. I disabled contacts search in Alfred and got rid of the contacts results. But the problem remains, Raindrop workflow does not initiate correctly. At the first try I got "not authenticated". - I Authenticated and confirmed that an access token got stored in keyChain Second try I got straight to the "Search..", but the "loading" flashes quickly and then I got the fallback search results instead of Raindrop.
  11. - I deleted the keyChain item - deactivate Little Snitch ..problem persists The Raindrop workflow acts a little different to other workflows with a script filter keyword. The Shimmering-obsidian workflow immediately shows only obsidian stuff after I type o+space. Your workflow shows some contacts and among the contacts I see "Search you Raindrop.." after I press r + space. Somehow the raindrop workflow does not take full command over Alfreds search, the search result is a mix of regular search results and Raindrop items.
  12. While trying to find a solution to this I started over. - remover the workflow - de-registered the integration from raindrop After re-installing the workflow I don't get the option to authenticate with raindrop. Where is this authentication information stored? How do I clear it to start over?
  13. @mrwynn Did you find any solution to this? I'm having the same problem. after typing ra + space I instantly ger a list of contacts on r. I can briefly see an item "Adding bookmark to Raindrop" with a "loading.." text, but this item disappears after about one second.
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