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Everything posted by ichibod

  1. I've been using a work around that moves the file to a folder on the same drive, then a hazel rule will actually move the file where I want it to go. Definitely not ideal, but a solution.
  2. Yeah, I just have the muscle memory. I was trying to script something to handle a search with 1p url schemes, but that is non existent on the Mac, unlike the iOS counterpart.
  3. I would like to see the ability to do "1p gmai" and it will open 1Password 4 with that search term pre-populated. Might have to keyboard maestro that based on this forum post
  4. File moving does not always work, as in the file is not moved, and remains in the original folder. Fails if a file has the same name to the directory Fails sometimes to another drive Can we get a dialog box to overwrite the file if it exists? Thanks, Ryan
  5. I would also like to reorder the list, I use moving most frequently, I would like that at the top of the list.
  6. I would like to move files into hidden folders as well.
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