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Everything posted by mikedvzo

  1. Problem Solved. I was prompted to allow Alfred 4 access to Reminders and now everything works as expected. Thank you so much Andrew for the quick turn around. Is there a way to donate to Alfred Mega Supporter License after the fact? I would like to do so. I can not imagine life without Alfred
  2. Thanks Andrew, as a note Alfred 4 has access to Calendars in Privacy but not Reminders and iCalbuddy queries both the Calendar and Reminders DB. Also when deanishe was helping in the other post he noted that in 10.13 the test workflow I posted prompted Mac OS to grant permissions to Reminders when it called iCalbuddy.
  3. Alfred 4.0.1 Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5 I am able to duplicate the issue on 2 separate machines running 10.14.5 and with Alfred 4 however, everything works fine with Alfred 3. I have a workflow that was written by a friend in Python for Alfred 3 to query the Exchange Calendar and list the meeting invites and allow you to select one and join a WebEx meeting. It is broken since upgrading to Alfred 4. I tried doing some basic testing since it relies on iCalBuddy and when I try a simple BASH script in Alfred to output the Calendar entries in Alfred it fails. However, all other generic arguments to iCalBuddy seem to work. The 1st command in BASH shell script in Alfred outputs the version but the second fails to output the calendar entries. Both work fine in Terminal /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy -V /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy calendars 2> /dev/null I looked at my console logs and I believe there is a permission issue since it is happening on 2 machines and it is an Alfred 4 with Mojave issue specifically. I receive the following log message every time I run the script from Alfred 4 but I am never prompted to allow Reminder access from Alfred. Neither Alfred 4 or Alfred 3 has permissions to Reminders in Privacy settings however Alfred 3 works fine. I believe there is a bug or compatibility issue with how Mojave is handling things different than previous versions of Mac OS. default 12:09:16.911791 -0400 tccd Prompting for access to kTCCServiceReminders from /Applications/Alfred 4.app/Contents/MacOS/Alfred on behalf of /usr/local/Cellar/ical-buddy/1.8.10/bin/icalBuddy
  4. So I looked at my console logs and I believe it is as we expected a permissions issue but since it is happening on 2 machines I believe it is an Alfred 4 with Mojave issue specifically. I will post a new message in the bug forum since I have now duplicated the issue on more than one machine. I receive the following log message every time I run the script from Alfred but I am never prompted to allow reminder access from Alfred. In addition, neither Alfred 4 or Alfred 3 has permissions to Reminders in Privacy settings however Alfred 3 works fine. That is why I believe it is a bug or compatialbity issue with how Mojave is handling things different than previous versions of Mac OS. default 12:09:16.911791 -0400 tccd Prompting for access to kTCCServiceReminders from /Applications/Alfred 4.app/Contents/MacOS/Alfred on behalf of /usr/local/Cellar/ical-buddy/1.8.10/bin/icalBuddy
  5. I thought so but wanted to make sure after my second machine has the same issue. I am running Mojave and security has been tightened again so perhaps it is related. I would like to see someone else test the workflow on Mojave. I checked and neither Alfred 3 or 4 has access to my reminders so not sure if that would be it but the iCalbuddy does list all the Calendars and the Reminders. Still baffled and thanks for all your help!
  6. Just finished an install of Alfred on another machine which the preferences are synced but that should not affect Permissions and I have the same result. No calendar entries show just the version number.
  7. Just to be clear did you get a list of the Calendars or just the version number.
  8. That was my feeling from the start but I never denied Alfred any privileges. Not sure where to go from here. Went to Request permissions and the one thing Alfred 4 has that Alfred 3 does not is in the image but there is no way to change this.
  9. Here you go. It is as basic as possible. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pnx2xgm987nmii6/TEST.alfredworkflow?dl=0
  10. That was my initial thinking and I checked all the Privacy permissions and most seem to coincide with Alfred 3. The only one that was granted for Alfred 3 and not for Alfred 4 was under Automation "Script Editor" and there is no way to grant it unless it is requested that I know of. Alfred 4 is granted access to Calendar and also to Full Disk but still does not work. I tried testing and ran a simple BASH Script workflow that printed the output and it runs the command: /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy -V fine When I try to print out the list of Calendars in Alfred with a BASH script it outputs nothing: /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy calendars So yes it does look like it cannot even access the list of Calendars from Alfred or it does not like the fact that the iCalBuddy programs spits file access errors when running but eta was not an issue with Alfred 3. Here are the errors: [DIVINCEM-mac] ~ > more test.sh /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy -ic 32ED81EC-A838-452B-9ECC-34EB7161267C eventsNow 2> /dev/null | grep -m 1 "https" | sed 's/.*https\(.*\)/https\1/' | sed 's/\(.*\)[ |>].*/\1/' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 [DIVINCEM-mac] ~ > /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy calendars 2019-05-31 13:18:34.250 icalBuddy[7977:2367870] Error loading /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarFoundation.framework/CalendarFoundation: dlopen(/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarFoundation.framework/CalendarFoundation, 265): no suitable image found. Did find: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarFoundation.framework/CalendarFoundation: mach-o, but wrong architecture /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CalendarFoundation: mach-o, but wrong architecture • Birthdays type: Birthday UID: B85D65E7-1609-4A4C-A15D-6C31C29CEE98 • Found in Natural Language type: Local UID: C0781289-C29D-48EE-80CB-FBF462BBC002 • Found in Apps I did try suppressing the errors like this but still no good: /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy calendars 2> /dev/null
  11. I wanted to see if anyone else has run into issues with Alfred 3 workflows not functioning in Alfred 4. So far I only have the 1 broken and it appears as if Alfred does not like the iCalBuddy program. I tested and called the program from a BASH script in Alfred and it fails. It works fine in Alfred 3 so I suspect it has something to do with Alfred 4 burping at the fact the program throws errors when it runs even though it still works. The 1st command in BASH shell script in Alfred outputs the version but the second fails to output the calendar entries. Both work fine in Terminal /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy -V /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy calendars
  12. I have a workflow that stopped working in Alfred 4 upgrade. It use icalBuddy and now that seems to not be able to parse Calendars in Alfred. The workflow was written by someone in Python for Alfred 3 to query the Exchange Calendar and list the meeting invites and allow you to select one and join a WebEx meeting. It is broken since upgrading to Alfred 4. I tried doing some testing since it relies on iCalBuddy and when I try a simple BASH script in Alfred to output the Calendar entries in Alfred it fails. However all other generic arguments to iCalBuddy seem to work. I am wondering if it is some kind of permission issue that Alfred 4 does not have. I have checked everything in Privacy Settings and see nothing. The 1st command in BASH shell script in Alfred outputs the version but the second fails to output the calendar entries. Both work fine in Terminal /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy -V /usr/local/bin/icalBuddy calendars
  13. It would be nice if the Annotation option in Quicklook which is available in Finder worked directly in Alfred.
  14. The "ERROR_OVER_QUERY_LIMIT" appears to be an issue with the Google Location API lookup according to the GITHUB posts. The workflow works but you cannot query other locations.
  15. I would be nice if the Web Search feature supported choosing your browser for each search instead of the default browser. Some sites are not supported with Safari which is my default. I often need to create a workflow just to do this.
  16. I have had this issue too and if I quit all apps it goes away. Still yet to figure out the culprit.
  17. Looks like Google Maps now requires a API. Is there a way to add an API to the workflow? 12:57:19 search.go:181: querying "Google Maps (English)" for "sprat " ... 12:57:19 search.go:133: response={ "error_message" : "This service requires an API key.", "predictions" : [], "status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
  18. Same workflow just act I had the API setup along time ago with a different workflow and had forgotten
  19. Looks like I fixed it. I did some searching and it appears since I had set the Google Translate API up along time ago the Billing was not tied toe the API and I had to enable it under Quotas. Thanks it works great now. ?
  20. The install succeeded without errors but the Workflow still throws the following errors. I checked the GCP and said the Translation API was enabled. Starting debug for 'Translate service' [2018-04-02 08:51:30][ERROR: input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 08:51:30 workflow.py:2225 DEBUG Workflow version : 1.1.2 08:51:30 workflow.py:1628 DEBUG Reading settings from `/Users/divincem/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Workflow Data/com.sozora.google-translate/settings.json` ... 08:51:30 workflow.py:2514 DEBUG Update check not due 08:51:30 workflow.py:1859 DEBUG Loading cached data from : /Users/divincem/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3/Workflow Data/com.sozora.google-translate/__workflow_update_status.cpickle 08:51:30 workflow.py:2444 DEBUG update_data : {u'available': False} 08:51:30 workflow.py:2633 DEBUG Got password : com.sozora.google-translate:google_translate_api_key 08:51:30 workflow.py:2633 DEBUG Got password : com.sozora.google-translate:google_translate_api_key 08:51:30 workflow.py:2243 ERROR HTTP Error 403: Forbidden Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/divincem/Dropbox/Sync/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F91D9C36-8081-42D3-A160-36CD90205402/workflow/workflow.py", line 2236, in run func(self) File "base_translate.py", line 102, in main translations = api.get_translations() File "/Users/divincem/Dropbox/Sync/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F91D9C36-8081-42D3-A160-36CD90205402/google_translate.py", line 102, in get_translations max_age=MAX_AGE_CACHE) File "/Users/divincem/Dropbox/Sync/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F91D9C36-8081-42D3-A160-36CD90205402/workflow/workflow.py", line 1865, in cached_data data = data_func() File "/Users/divincem/Dropbox/Sync/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F91D9C36-8081-42D3-A160-36CD90205402/google_translate.py", line 50, in __get_translations raise e HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden 08:51:30 workflow.py:2267 DEBUG Workflow finished in 0.325 seconds.
  21. I keep getting this error message during install. It does install but when I try to run the workflow I get an : HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. MY Key is set right becaeu when I set it incorrectly I get a bad key error. Herre is the install NPM Error message I get. I would appreciate any help. This error says my Alfred preferences file are not found at the top but the file definitely exists. [DIVINCEM-MAC] /usr/local…ib/node_modules/npm > sudo /usr/local/bin/npm install -g alfred-polyglot > alfred-polyglot@1.1.5 postinstall /usr/local/lib/node_modules/alfred-polyglot > alfy-init { Error: Command failed: alfred-link Error: Alfred preferences not found at location /Users/divincem/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences-3.plist at pathExists.then.exists (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/alfred-polyglot/node_modules/resolve-alfred-prefs/index.js:15:10) at <anonymous> at Promise.all.then.arr (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/alfred-polyglot/node_modules/execa/index.js:201:11) at <anonymous> at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) code: 1, killed: false, stdout: '', stderr: 'Error: Alfred preferences not found at location /Users/divincem/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences-3.plist\n at pathExists.then.exists (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/alfred-polyglot/node_modules/resolve-alfred-prefs/index.js:15:10)\n at <anonymous>\n', failed: true, signal: null, cmd: 'alfred-link', timedOut: false } npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! alfred-polyglot@1.1.5 postinstall: `alfy-init` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the alfred-polyglot@1.1.5 postinstall script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /Users/divincem/.npm/_logs/2018-04-01T23_31_41_596Z-debug.log
  22. Andrew, The Delay of .9s is not long enough in 3.6 for OneNote and I must still leave the "Auto Expansion Option to Restore Clipboard tuned off.
  23. Quite often I have run into a situation where I have assigned a Hotkey to a specific app only and do not recall what I did. I am then forced to comb through all my workflows, and I have a lot, to find out where it is being used. Is there a way to check which Workflow is using a specific hotkey?
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