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Everything posted by Sticky

  1. Does anyone know if there is a way or workflow to search through the system preferences submenus with alfred like spotlight can? For example, if I search "Filevault" in spotlight, the System and Privacy tab shows up. But if I try the same in Alfred it doesn't find anything. Same thing happens with any other submenus. The higher level system preferences tabs do show up if I search them directly (like “keyboard”) but nothing within them, like searching “shortcuts” brings up keyboard in spotlight but not in Alfred. Is there a setting or workflow that can do that? Thanks. [Note: this was crossposted from this Reddit post]
  2. Yes, no change with or without Alfred Preferences open. It's odd to me that enter works but escape doesn't. I thought maybe one of my other apps was interfering, so I tried quitting all of those (Rectangle Pro, Maccy, etc.) but no change. It's probably some OS customization that I did in the past. Over the years I have tweaked lots of settings, often times by changing plists via Terminal. So without knowing exactly what I changed, it might be hard to track down. Glad to know escape works on your systems. 🙂
  3. Hmmmm. Alfred dialogues never have the focus for me. Is that a configuration setting or something? I'm on the latest, 12.5.1 and Alfred 5.0.3. Escape never works for me on any workflow boxes or confirmations. I did play with enabling full keyboard access, which did enable tab, but only tab and nothing else—escape still didn't work. I turned it back off again.
  4. Hello, As I've started using some Alfred 5 specific workflows, I've noticed that the Dialog Conditional could use some more keyboard inputs. For example, it would be great to be able to use the arrow keys to move up and down the selected options. Additionally, I would love to be able to hit escape or command+backspace to close the dialogue. Currently enter is the only key that does anything and only on the first option (the one selected by default). Thanks for considering!
  5. Thank you so much Stephen! I just downloaded several of your workflows and I'll keep an eye out for others in the future. Much appreciated.
  6. Oh I see. I installed Python 3 but not Python 2. I thought the updated version used Python 3, which is why I was confused. I'll either add Python 2 or just bail on it. Thanks
  7. I downloaded the updated version of this (https://github.com/alfredapp/updated-third-party-python2-workflows/raw/main/Workflows/Relative Dates.alfredworkflow) but whenever I try to do anything the debugger shows: ERROR: Relative Dates[Script Filter] Code 127: /Users/xxxxxxxxx/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/B3A19111-A2B7-4B4E-8420-C45346CCD9D0: line 2: python: command not found Any ideas? I finally took the plunge to Monterey and so far all has gone pretty well. I just have this and one other workflow to try to get working again. Everything else I have figured out on my own. Thanks!
  8. I went back and looked through the release notes of Maccy. The feature was first added in 0.18.0. I found this on GitHub which might be helpful if you're a coder. Thanks for considering!
  9. Hello, Although I do have Alfred's clipboard history enabled, I really only use it for its merging feature (and in a couple of workflows). I use Maccy as my main manager because it has a feature that I didn't think I would ever use when it was first added, but now I can't live without. It can (optionally) display the first 20 characters of the last copied item right in the menu bar. That way, at a glance, I always know what's on my clipboard. This comes in very handy a surprising number of times per day. I use it a lot when writing, or to store numbers, results from calculations, even the occasional TOTP code. Anyway, I find it really handy and now it's hard to give up. I was wondering if that sounds useful to anyone else? And if so, then perhaps it could be considered as feature suggestion for a future version? I currently hide the menu bar icon, but I would certainly unhide it if this feature became available. Thanks for considering.
  10. This works! For anyone else who sees this in the future, I did exactly what he described: Hotkey trigger -> usr/bin/osascript (JavaScript) -> Transform (Trim Whitespace) -> Conditional (is NOT equal to false), then do nothing. Else -> Launch App. Thank you so much!
  11. Hello again. A follow up question on this same theme: Is there a way to ignore a global hotkey when a certain app is OPEN (whether it has focus or not)? Would I need some scripting for that? Or for a workflow to only open an app if it isn't already open? Use example is the same as above: I use Things for my to-do list/reminders. I have a hotkey set Ctrl+Shift+Space which (when Things is open) opens a "New To-Do" window on top of whatever application currently has focus. But sometimes Things is closed (when I play video games and forget to start it again), and in those cases I would like that same hotkey to launch Things so that I can wait a second and then hit the hotkey a second time and get the expected pop-up window. So in a workflow, I have that same hotkey set to open Things, so that if it's closed it will open when I hit the hotkey. But, as you would expect, when Things is open, the hotkey is working twice (once by Things and once by Alfred). The end result is not that bad, really: it opens the new To-Do window, and it also opens Things, which brings it to the foreground. This is not a huge deal, and I've been living with it like that for a couple weeks, but it would be nice if I could have Alfred ignore the hotkey when the Things app is open. Is there an easy way to do this? Or an even smarter, more efficient Alfred way to accomplish the same thing? 😄 Thanks!
  12. As per usual, the Alfred solution is elegant and efficient. Thank you very much, I will use those quite a bit going forward. :-)
  13. Hello, I would like to create a workflow that quits a certain app (if it's open), and disables / deactivates one of my Alfred workflows. Is this possible? Can anyone link me to a workflow with similar functionality that I can adapt for my needs? I'm not much of a scripter, but if it's close enough I can probably make it work. As a bonus, it would be great if there were an easy way to re-activate the workflow and re-open the app, but if I had to do that manually that would be fine, too. What's the use case? Video games, haha. If I forget to quit that app and disable that workflow before playing (which happens more often than I'd like to admit), certain movements cause my hotkeys to fire, usually in the heat of battle, taking me out of the game at the worst possible moment. Thanks for your help!
  14. I use this workflow all the time, I love it—thanks! One little question: Does anyone know a way to input a negative number? For example, I wanted to know what -22º F is in Celsius but as soon as I enter the - the workflow doesn't recognize it as a unit. Can I escape it somehow with quotation marks or something? Not a big deal because it doesn't come up very often and honestly if I just hit enter then google will do the conversion for me. But I was just wondering if there's a way I could do it within the workflow. Thanks
  15. Hallo, I was wondering if you have updated your workflow to work with the VirusTotal v3 API? If so, is there a link where I can download the current version? Thank you!
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