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Posts posted by segphault

  1. I built a workflow that applies syntax highlighting to the text in the clipboard. By default, it performs RTF-based highlighting and stores the output in the clipboard as rich text so that the colorized content can be pasted into applications like Keynote and Evernote. The workflow uses a script filter to let you select the programming language. It's totally self contained, using the Pygments library which is bundled in the workflow. You can easily customize the script to change the output format (to HTML, for example) or pick a different Pygments color scheme.


    You can download the workflow here: http://seg.phault.net/alfred/Highlighter.alfredworkflow

    I wrote a blog post about it here: http://blog.phault.net/2013/12/slide-deck-syntax-highlighting-made-easy-with-alfred/


    This is an example of a Keynote slide where I used the workflow for highlighting:



  2. I published my first workflows on my blog over the weekend:

    GITHUB SEARCH (Download)

    The scripting filter that I made for this workflow (written in Python) allows you to search for repositories on GitHub. It uses the GitHub REST API to display results directly in Alfred as you are typing. Select a repository from the results and hit enter to visit the repository’s GitHub page in your default web browser. If you hold the “alt” key when you hit enter, the workflow will instead open the official GitHub app for Mac OS X and clone the desired repository.



    This workflow can be used to perform Markdown processing on the selected text, clipboard content, or a file. It will put the HTML output into the system clipboard so that you can paste it. The workflow also has a file filter that makes it easy to search for Markdown files and optionally open them inMarked.app. I embedded the MIT-licensed Markdown 2 Python library in this workflow so that it can handle Markdown processing without requiring the user to install any additional software.

    EVERNOTE SEARCH (Download)


    This workflow includes a file filter that will allow you to search for Evernote notes by title. When you hit enter, the Evernote desktop app will display the selected note. The workflow also includes a fallback search that uses AppleScript to pass the user’s search query directly into the Evernote app’s built-in search box.

    HUE CONTROL (Download)


    This workflow allows the user to control Philips Hue lightbulbs. It defines a “hue” keyword command that lets you adjust brightness by providing a numerical value between 0 and 255. You can also type “hue on” and “hue off” to turn the lights on and off. In order to use this workflow, you will have to modify several variables at the top of the script: the local network IP address of your Hue base station and an app registration hash. Refer here for details about app registration and Hue hacking.

    CHROME WINDOW (Download)
    This workflow will use AppleScript to forcibly open a new Chrome window on the current space. It avoids doing annoying things like giving focus to an existing Chrome window or jumping to another space.



    I'd love to get feedback from the community. I've already made several updates based on comments from Twitter, including fixing some encoding issues in the Markdown processor and fixing the scope of the Evernote search so that it works for users who have installed Evernote from the app bundle rather than the MAS.



  3. Some feature requests that I documented over the weekend while writing my first workflow:
    • Ability to buffer input for script filters (Wait until user is finished typing before calling script)
      • Usage scenario: more reliable usage of web script filters that hit slow web APIs (e.g. GitHub repo search)
    • Debugging tools for script filters, or at least a mechanism that lets me see stdout
      • Usage scenario: It'd be great to be able to know if my Python script raised an exception or emitted bad XML.
    • Allow keyboard shortcut to open Alfred file browser at a certain path
      • Usage scenario: cmd+ctrl+shift+d to browse ~/Dropbox.
      • I was able to do this in previous version of Alfred, but can't find v2 equivalent
    • Allow keyboard shortcut to pass arbitrary text string as arg
      • Usage scenario: I want to have keyboard shortcuts for my Hue workflow that set the value to 0 or 255 (highest and lowest brightness)
    • Support JSON output for script filters
      • XML is a pain to generate and properly encode. Serializing a dictionary into JSON from Python is much easier.
    • Add an option that enables piping to script actions so that we have the choice of reading from stdin instead of using {query}.
      • Usage scenario: this would be desirable for things like my markdown processor where I'm potentially taking a large amount of arbitrary text as input
    • A way to name scripts actions (or provide some other way to make them easily distinguishable)
      • Usage scenario: If I have several in a workflow, it's sometimes hard to find the one I'm actually looking for
    • Hotkey option for "selected text OR clipboard" that will use clipboard as input when no text is selected.
      • Usage scenario: this is something that I wanted for my Markdown workflow so that I don't have to have two separate shortcuts.


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