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Posts posted by patgilmour

  1. 7 hours ago, Vero said:

    @patgilmour Do any of the other Evernote workflow keywords work for you?


    - Does "ent" allow you to search by titles?

    - Does "enrec" show you a list of your recent Evernote notes? (provided you've created/added some in the past few days)

    - Does "enn" allow you to create a new note?


    It'd be helpful to understand how much does and doesn't work for you. If you could provide as much details as you can, it'll be easier to help you troubleshoot the issue.




    Hi Vero,


    I uninstalled, quit, restarted, reinstalled from link on page one here – now everything is working!


    Thanks for taking the time to try to help me sort this out!



  2. On 1/10/2017 at 5:46 AM, Vero said:

    I'm not sure the issue @patgilmour is seeing is related, so we can likely still get to the bottom of that.




    So I'm running: Version 6.10 (454267 Direct)


    Basically when I invoke Evernote Search via the Workflow, it bounces me to my Alfred default searches.


    Alfred can access Evernote through its own search though, as I added  `/Users/work/Library/CoreData/com.evernote.Evernote` to the default Search Scope. This works, but only searches on title, not content.






  3. 16 hours ago, Vero said:

    @patgilmour @mboettger1 Could you guys give an example of what's not working for you?


    I'm using Evernote 6.10 and everything I've tried seems to work as expected, so if you could provide more details, we should be able to help troubleshoot. If there are any legitimate issues, we can ping the wonderful creator of this workflow for a bit of help :)



    Hi Vero, 


    So by not working what I mean is, if I try to invoke, say, the Evernote search 'ens' (Script filter in the flow) the only option that appears is "Synchronize Evernote". I tried putting a keyboard shortcut up front (ctrl+J) - when I press this, I see Evernote Searching... for about 1/3 second, then Alfred jumps straight to my fallback searches (Google, Wiki, Facebook).


    I suspect this might be something to do with the way I have the flow or Alfred configured, but I don't know what it is.






  4. On 1/6/2017 at 11:59 AM, mboettger1 said:

    Looks as though this workflow breaks with the new 6.11 (beta 1) release. Bummer as I'm so dependent on this workflow every day. May have to restore an earlier version of EN if you don't have a quick fix. :-(


    Doesn't seem to work on Evernote 6.10 either non-MAS store version - here anyway. Did you have any luck getting it to work?

  5. I have a Workflow that is triggered by the Hotkey: Ctrl+Alt+K


    The result of the Hotkey is to grab the current selection in the Finder and send that path as {query} into a Terminal command. Works great!


    However, what I'd like to do is invoke Alfred, type "kin", have the workflow appear, press Return and have the flow grab the current selection in the Finder etc.


    In other words, use a Keyword to grab the selection as {query}.


    I can't work out how to do that. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  6. Thanks Vero.


    The solution you suggest isn't too bad at all, but it requires more human memory I am capable of! It requires me remembering the expansion shortcuts for each of my commands.


    What would be ideal:


    - Invoke Snippets
    - Filter and select Snippet
    - Shift (or other modifier key) + Return to move this Snippet to the main Alfred execute window instead of pasting it.







  7. As per this thread: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/9287-send-snippet-directly-to-terminal/#entry46194


    It would be great to be able to create Snippets so that they will run directly as terminal commands (rather than having to create a Workflow element for each Terminal command I want to run).


    "> killall PrinterProcessor"

    If I create this as a Snippet, I can't find a way to get it into the Alfred window without copy n paste.

    What I'd like to be able to do is invoke Alfred's snippet list, type (for example) 'killall', choose the snippet "> killall PrinterProcessor" and hit return to send it like any other Alfred command prefixed with > to the Terminal.

  8. Hi,


    The new Alfred 3 Snippets are great - they replaced a lot of other text managers on my Mac.


    One question: is it possible to create Snippets so that they will run directly as terminal commands (rather than having to create a Workflow element for each Terminal command I want to run).




    "> killall PrinterProcessor"


    If I create this as a Snippet, I can't find a way to get it into the Alfred window without copy n paste.


    What I'd like to be able to do is invoke my snippet list, type (for example) 'killall', choose the snippet "> killall PrinterProcessor" and hit return to send it like any other Alfred command prefixed with > to the Terminal.


    I there a simple way to do this?






  9. Thanks ctwise!


    So to add bold Markdown around a text string:


    - Create a new workflow

    - You create a Inputs>Keyword with no arguments (in this case "mdb")

    - Create an Actions>Run NSAppleScripts and paste the following:

    on alfred_script(q)
        tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using command down
        delay 0.3
        set theString to the clipboard
        set the clipboard to "**" & theString & "**"
        tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using command down
    end alfred_script

    - Link the Input to the Action

    - Select some text in any application, invoke Alfred, type 'mdb', and press Return


    This will paste the "selection" as "**selection**"


    This solution works pretty well and it is easy to add other Markdown text options for italics, code, etc.


    However, I'm just wondering - is the only way to copy and paste to a Mac application to use System Events "keystroke"?


    `pbpaste` doesn't seem to paste back into Mac apps - it only goes to standard output (Terminal).


    I guess there's no disadvantage to using System Events, but it does seem "clunky" if you know what I mean.

  10. I'd like to create a workflow that works in the following way:


    - Select some text in an app in OSX
    - Invoke Alfred
    - Type: 'mb' and press Return
    - Have Alfred take the selection and wrap it like **selection**
    - Paste into the frontmost app, replacing the selection without adding a line break




    I'd like to have these shortcuts available for quickly adding Markdown syntax to text, primarily:


    Bold - 'mb' - selection -> **selection**
    Italic - 'mi' - selection -> *selection*


    I don't want to use a Hotkey for this but rather type "mb" return or "mi" return.


    Any thoughts? Or any existing workflows I could take a look at that do something similar?


    As a sidenote, now that Alfred is supporting JavaScript, would this be feasible with that new feature?



  11. Andrew - that's great! Thanks! I've already used it several times.


    I honestly think there's very little need for traditional bookmarks with this enabled.


    Also, the Alfred Updates... tab in the Alfred window was cool - liked it.



    I'm not going to push my luck and ask for the below now, but one further addition to the URLs/History would make it stellar.


    Imagine if there was a 3rd editable column named "Title" that, by default, took the value of the web page <title> tag.


    For example: http://www.alfredforum.com  |  Alfred App Community Forum  |  Jan 31, 2013. 16:26:48


    And that could be edited with a double click.


    If the title field content then appeared after: "Open the URL from history", so "Open the URL/Page from history: Alfred App Community Forum"


    No bookmarks ever again! Easy reference for URLs in history that all point to the same site but different pages!


    Would love to see this, but I'm very happy with things as they are now too.


    Thanks again, Pat


    PS - Title being searchable obviously, so "Alf App Com" would get me to the land of plenty.

  12. Hi,


    Integration with 1Password is really great for filling in forms in browser windows.


    However, sometimes I'd like to be able to use Alfred to open a 1Password item in 1Password.


    For example, I would like to type "paypal" see the 1Password item, hold down (for example) 'Option', click and have the item open in 1Password. Is there a way to do this?







  13. I may be a-typical but I have basically stopped using my browsers' bookmarks functions altogether and reply on Alfred to remember anything I have used in the past year via "URLs / History".


    I much prefer this to managing bookmarks. It auto adds any URL I type into Alfred and will auto-delete any crud I no longer need. For stuff that goes missing, I have Google ;-)


    But here's the problem - sometimes I add something that I don't want in the history and it keeps cropping up in the search results. So, I would like to go in an manually delete it and there's the issue. The "URLs / History" field has neither a sort nor a search function, so finding the URLs in there that I want to delete can be a bit of a chore, to say the least.


    Hence, my feature suggestion - a sort by domain header at the top and a search field like in the adjacent "Search" tab.



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