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  1. The issue is that in Catalina, as far as I can tell, the table divider is considered a "row" so when numerically identifying your output devices you need to take this into consideration and modify the script. For example, if you have two devices, like I do, you toggle between rows 1 and 3, not rows 1 and 2. Try the following and make sure to change the 'deviceselected' to names of your devices. tell application "System Preferences" reveal anchor "output" of pane id "com.apple.preference.sound" end tell tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences" tell tab group 1 of window "Sound" click radio button "Output" if (selected of row 1 of table 1 of scroll area 1) then set selected of row 3 of table 1 of scroll area 1 to true set deviceselected to "Gulliver HomePod" else set selected of row 1 of table 1 of scroll area 1 to true set deviceselected to "Internal Speakers" end if end tell end tell quit application "System Preferences" return deviceselected
  2. Yeah, I was in there earlier too! But sometimes easiest is best... 😉
  3. Thanks for taking the time to reply, @chris! Useful info. I took a look at the dev docs on Apple. Closest I got to what I needed was here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/applemusicapi/search_for_catalog_resources But you're right, the URL schemes (if that's what they are called) are very limited. I did take a look at the workflow you mention, but my Alfred kludge is closer to what I want so I'll stick with that for now.
  4. Meantime, as I don't need the scheme for anything else, this very simple workflow does the job (see attached screengrab) Note that "Copy to Clipboard" has the option set to paste into frontmost application. Slightly clunky perhaps but it's fast and it works...
  5. Hi, In Apple Music, I am trying to replicate an Alfred Custom URL search I use to search Spotify's catalog directly in the app (i.e. not in a browser). The Alfred Spotify Custom Search URL search is: `spotify:search:{query}` This will open Spotify in the Mac app and perform the search (screenshot attached). I've tried various modifications for the Apple Music app, like `music:search:{query}` and `spotify:search:term={query}` and various others that are close to the browser-based search query: `https://music.apple.com/us/search?term=[query-here]` The above queries starting in 'music...' don't work. The do open Apple Music directly on the Mac and start playing whatever is next in the queue. Does anyone know of the correct scheme to use to perform the searches in Apple Music via Alfred? Thanks, Pat
  6. Excellent - thanks for the pointer, Deanishe. There's a ton of other useful stuff in there too on Dynamic Placeholder that I hadn't seen.
  7. In Snippets I'm able to create a shortcut for today's date or date time 7 days from now with the simple syntax: `{date +7d}` and `{date time +7d}` What I'm trying to do however is use the {date:short} snippet in the same way, so: `{date:short +7d}` However this outputs: "11 (second: 38)" My question: is there any way of using {date:short} with Snippet date arithmetic? Thanks!
  8. Hi, A feature I use a lot in Alfred 3 is using Alfred's Search Bar as a scratchpad for quick Snippet expansions that I need to get onto the clipboard. For example, I invite Alfred, type pg` which expands to one of my email address, select all and copy, etc. Originally this didn't work in Alfred 3, but after a discussion here (can't find the thread) it was added—and appreciated! Unfortunately this feature isn't working in Alfred 4. Is there any chance you could add it back in at a future date? On a positive note, Alfred 4 looks brilliant. I'm really looking forward to digging in. Congratulations on the great work! Thanks, Pat
  9. @Vero - that would be very welcome if/when it’s on the table. Meantime, things will improve each day here as the mass of emails with the same mod date move beyond 3, 7 days mod date etc. Thanks for your speedy, useful answers—much appreciated!
  10. @Vero Thanks! I checked and unfortunately a lot of my older emails have a Mod Date of 12 Jan 2019—must have happened during some iCloud issues I was having over the weekend. I guess there's no easy way to restrict to creation date only?
  11. @Vero - thanks for this flow. Is there any way to get it to sort Mail.app's results returned by creation or modification date? I get a mix of emails near the top that span the last 10 years! I tried changing the file filter date range to last 30 days, but it doesn't seem to affect the results. Thanks, Pat
  12. @deanishe - never mind what I mean by "reference" - the List Filter suggestion is *exactly* what I need - thank you! It's perfect!
  13. @deanishe - thanks for taking the time to reply. I think I wasn't clear (I do know what a symlink is). What is need to do is display a list of references to files or folders rather than the names of the files or folders, and I want the references to be navigable in Alfred. I also want the list of references to be automatically created by Alfred. If I use Tags/Keywords for this as you suggest, I can add a tag called "Favorite" or something like that and tag all the files/folders. Then I can get the list of items with these tags in Alfred. Plus the results listed are navigable. The problem is, I want unique references to be returned as the result. I tried with Spotlight Comments. So, for example, I added "Alias - Script Resources" to the Get Info Comment field. This was cool, as I was able to add a unique reference, but the results returned are still the actual file folder names, and not the Comment references. With all that in mind, I can think of a way of achieving this, but it does seem convoluted (is there an easier way)? - Create my unique Mac Aliases - Use a Workflow to display them as Results - Pass the selected result to AppleScript that resolves the Alias to original (equivalent of Cmd+R) - Pass the new path back to Alfred for navigating Think that's my best option? Thanks!
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