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Posts posted by _mk_

  1. Image Dimensions


    The workflow is based on the Alfred v1 extensions created by Don Southard. It was modified to work with Alfred 2 and to handle multiple files at once. The workflow can be updated using Alleyoop.





    This workflow shows the dimensions of one or more selected images. It works as

    • Alfred File Action
    • Based on current Finder Selection





    Download from GitHub and import into Alfred 2.





    • ⇧⌥I - Show dimensions of images selected in Finder



    The following actions are available on the file row of the result view:

    • ENTER: Copy file path (incl. filename) to clipboard
    • ALT+ENTER: Copy filename to clipboard
    • CMD+ENTER: Copy the file itself to clipboard




  2. I think a Folder Action would better suit your needs to convert a document to PDF and move it to your dropbox folder.


    Basically you could also use a Folder Action to invoke a specific Alfred Workflow:


    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
        tell application "Finder"
            repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items
                set this_item to item i of these_items
                set the path_string to this_item as string
                set the final_path to POSIX path of the path_string
                tell application "Alfred 2" to search "<workflow keyword> " & final_path
            end repeat
        end tell
    end adding folder items to
  3. Here we go. The following actions are available on the file:

    • ENTER: Copy file path (incl. filename) to clipboard
    • ALT+ENTER: Copy filename to clipboard
    • CMD+ENTER: Copy the file itself to clipboard



    I'll add Alleyoop support and move the workflow to GitHub this evening or tomorrow.

  4. This is awesome _mk_. 


    Thank you so much!


    I was hoping you could make a tweak or two if possible?


    I have a database that has all my email in it. (about 14,000 emails.) When I want to find anything other than an email I am flooded with emails because there are so many. Is it possible to either specify a database to search in or add some syntax to potentially include operators like "-", perhaps quotes for phrases, or a wildcard like "*"?  If *any* (I don't need all, I just need a way to filter things a bit) of the following search strings were possible it would be heaven:

    1. devon strategy*.pages
    2. devon "strategy document"
    3. devon <databasename> strategy
    4. devon strategy -mailto:

    Are any of these possible? Any single one would make it perfect. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming amount of content I have in my databases, there's just too much to be able to use a simple keyword search and get relevant results.


    If it's not possible or if it's a huge pain in the arse, no problem, I just thought it was worth asking.




    A database switch is already on my todo list. I'll have a look at the rest.

  5. Thanks for the replies guys.



    Can you explain how to use this workflow Marko? I've selected a file within finder then actioned Alfred and typed 'dim' with no results so far. Should i be doing something differently? Does the file need to be located within Alfred? Appreciate the assistance!


    It is currently configured to be used as an Alfred File Action. I can add Finder support this evening.

  6. Hi _mk_, perfect....just read it and seems very interesting.


    Looking forward to your next posts as I will see how easy it will be to implement this system since I have waaaayyyyyy so many projects.




    Having many projects is not a problem. Agile Results will help you to focus on the three most important ones at a time.


    I hope to finish the second part of the series sometime this week but I want to finish the new version of the workflow first.

  7. DEVONthink Document Search


    This workflow helps you to find your DEVONthink documents from within Alfred. It supports DEVONthink Personal as well as DEVONthink Pro (with multiple databases).




    Download from GitHub and import into Alfred 2.





    • Search in all databases
    devon [your search string]



    • Search in specific database
    devondb [your search string]






    • Refresh DEVONthink datanase list

      The association between database names and uuids can only be obtained via AppleScript. This is done automatically if you run the "devondb" command for the first time. The information is then cached for better performance. If you add a new DEVONthink database later on, you'll have to run the "devondb!" command to refresh the database list.


  8. _mk_ actually, it takes me to my inbox perspective....does not matter which perspective I choose on Alfred to focus on, it always goes to this one perspective.


    I found the error and will fix it with the next release. In the meantime you can fix it on your own:

    1. Open the workflow in Alfred
    2. The .offv Script Filter has two outgoing connections. Open the Run Script at the CMD connection.
    3. Uncheck all escape checkboxes other than "double quotes"




  9. Not in that context/project they don't — they are in a single-action bucket. They're where I shove one-off "ASAP" tasks. 


    I put a bogus task in my Inbox, and I can '.ofti' and see it.  There are no projects or contexts assigned.


    So the issue seems to be, that you already assigned a project to your tasks but left them in the inbox. Do you have automatic removal from inbox activated in OF only when a project AND context is assigned?

  10. I'm using 2.4 of the workflow and I'm still not getting the hang of the matching. I am using everything as-bundled and default:


    .ofti returns nothing:




    If I just do .oft I see the options for OmniFocus including Inbox:




    When I try to view the items in a Project called "Firewall Requests" I get this:






    A shot of my Workflow showing the keywords:




    Version 2.4 includes debug output now. There should be a log file for every keyword. Could you please have a look inside the workflow folder and check if any of the logs contains error messages?

  11. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but when I type .ofti, I think I'm supposed to get a view of my inbox, correct?  Right now, I have 11 tasks in my inbox, but only 3 are showing up with this keyword.


    Thanks for a great workflow and any guidance you can provide me.


    Do your missing tasks have a future start date or are they sub-tasks?

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