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  1. dysonant


    Thanks Chris. I am glad you modified it to suit your needs.
  2. Yeah, showing subtext on selected was the one call that makes this a little less useful, but overall I could still see using it. Love your theme.
  3. Chalenge accepted: Maybe it is a bit too minimal, but still it is clean and useful.
  4. dysonant


    A theme styled to resemble early Palm OS. DOWNLOAD PALMYSTERY I feel like this was a really nice start, but wanted to modernize the look a little. So, here is a new version of Palmystery called Palmysterious. DOWNLOAD PALMYSTERIOUS
  5. dysonant

    Amber Waves

    A throwback amber screen theme that is minimal and easy to read. DOWNLOAD AMBER WAVES
  6. dysonant


    Well, as I said, feel free to modify to your liking.
  7. dysonant


    Thanks for the feedback. I suggest you try installing it and tell me if it is still hard to read. Also, you are free to modify and make the font darker to suit your needs. My intention was to make the selection very readable and the other list items fall away a little to draw attention to the selection
  8. dysonant


    A really colorful, happy, but not too bright theme that is also super readable. DOWNLOAD PRISM
  9. dysonant


    A clean command line, green screen, retro but updated theme for Alfred. DOWNLOAD miniTerm
  10. dysonant

    Better Monokai

    Thanks to Fabio Niephaus for making the original. I modified that theme for this result which is clean, simple and elegant. DOWNLOAD BETTER MONOKAI
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