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Monte Lin

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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. I Second it and request more. It should be possible to configure the size of the overlay window (such as in ratio of display dimension?) and a fixed or minimum font size. The displayed text is not discernible with large amount of output.
  2. Thanks for your patience! I tried the '.' execution route and it worked like a charm. It never occurred to me that other execution routes need something provided for by the Alfred search result and are not meant for opening a query using the keyword.
  3. I tried it again, the temp. file is available now: #!/bin/zsh setopt aliases source /etc/profile; source /etc/zprofile; source /etc/zshrc; source /Users/monte/.zprofile; source /Users/monte/.zshenv; cd '/Users/monte/Desktop/' xargs -0 -J {} env < The debug log is the same as previous: [12:09:48.949] Logging Started... [12:10:11.789] RunCommand[Keyword] Processing complete [12:10:11.790] RunCommand[Keyword] Passing output 'env' to Run Script [12:10:12.060] ERROR: RunCommand[Run Script] /var/folders/ld/9n2t22k93hvgg3_kk6yl2mbw0000gn/T/tmp.16WmCNXD:6: parse error near `\n' [12:10:12.066] RunCommand[Run Script] Processing complete [12:10:12.067] RunCommand[Run Script] Passing output '' to Large Type The command I issued: > env<cmd+Enter> I run the 'xargs -0 -J {} env <' command generated by your workflow directly in shell; similar error occurred ("parse error near '\n'"). If I omitted the '<' , xargs waited for my input to continue: ==> If I then input "me=monte", the environment was echoed with 'me=monte' appended as the last line. ==> If I instead just press 'C-d' without input anything, nothing was printed. I also tested the above in my MacPro (10.14, bash) and got same result. I also tested the above in a Ubuntu Linux 18.4 VM (in Parallel Desktop); similar error and results. Then, I tried adding ';' after the '{}' argument: xargs -0 -J {}; env xargs waited for my input. ==> I just press 'C-d' without input anything, environment is echoed as expected. It seems xargs doesn't accept '<' redirection. And I wonder why you need to indiscriminately pass user input to xargs? Isn't it up to user to determine if xargs processing is needed? I believe if your generated command was just 'env' than we'll get expected result. If for some reasons you think xargs is necessary, wouldn't the generated command 'env | xargs -0 -J {}' be more sensible? Thanks your help.
  4. zsh on my Mac Studio (macOS 12.4) Brew's bash on my MacPro (macOS 10.14) Thanks.
  5. Sorry for the late followup. The folder disappeared immedately afterward; I guess it's an auto-generated temporary. And thanks for the info.
  6. Vitor, glad to meet you. Here is the debug output by "> env <cmd>+<enter>" (I also select 'all Workflows" in the debugger setting: [13:15:17.504] RunCommand[Keyword] Processing complete [13:15:17.506] RunCommand[Keyword] Passing output 'env' to Run Script [13:15:17.849] ERROR: RunCommand[Run Script] /var/folders/ld/9n2t22k93hvgg3_kk6yl2mbw0000gn/T/tmp.xoZ8FNWj:6: parse error near `\n' [13:15:17.854] RunCommand[Run Script] Processing complete [13:15:17.855] RunCommand[Run Script] Passing output '' to Large Type I tested several times, all with the same error except the last part of '/var/folders....' path were different. I also got same error on X86 Mac. Thanks for your help. By the way, is RunCommand compatible with Alfred 5?
  7. Hi, I appreciate so much that finally a smart guy came up to fill the most annoying void of Alfred. That said, after installed RunCommand and added '>' (with the option 'space' ticked'), I test it like this: > env <Cmd>+Enter> I expected to see an LargeType window filled with 'env' output, but nothing shown up. I also tried some othering: > /opt/local/x11/bin/xeyes <Enter>. I expected to see an animated eyes shown up in an X window. Again, nothing happened. > which eyes <Cmd>+<Enter> I expected to see '/opt/X11/bin/xeyes' in a LargeType window, but nothing happened. How can I be so unlucky? (I'm running it in Alfred 4, Mac Studio) Here added debug output of '> which xeyes' [17:55:26.861] Logging Started... [17:56:52.844] RunCommand[Keyword] Processing complete [17:56:52.852] RunCommand[Keyword] Passing output 'which xeyes' to Run Script [17:56:53.259] ERROR: RunCommand[Run Script] /var/folders/_j/_qtnjpj1345256smf04z2w8h0000z8/T/tmp.dfUizVYI: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' /var/folders/_j/_qtnjpj1345256smf04z2w8h0000z8/T/tmp.dfUizVYI: line 5: `xargs -0 -J {} which xeyes < ' [17:56:53.266] RunCommand[Run Script] Processing complete [17:56:53.267] RunCommand[Run Script] Passing output '' to Large Type
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