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  1. I tried asking Bard & Chat GPT in so many different ways the entire yesterday, for 5-7 hours & tried creating & running so many hacks. But couldn't get anything direct on simple on it or whatever I was able to create, while didn't give any errors, but didn't open the applications that my workflow had to open. It does open if I use Alfred UI. Ultimately I had to use macOS Automator. The script for that I got easily from ChatGPT within minutes. But, macOS Automator is non simple &. outdated to use. I would prefer to use Alfred directly. Can someone give me a working solution for Alfred 5? with actually working steps??
  2. I want to create a new workflow that calls 2-3 workflows internally. I want to use an inner workflow like a reusable function/ method. So, like the combined search workflow should call other workflows inside the new "Combined Search Workflow" I wanted to ask, how can I combine multiple workflows and call them in one new workflow? If there is not current simple feature for the same, can we please have such feature in Alfred 6, please?
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