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Posts posted by Carlos-Sz

  1. A bit off topic, but what is that sublime text theme in the screenshot?


    Looks fantastic!


    I think it’s this: link




    Hey :)


    Thank you so much for taking the time to implement this!! It works!!


    I am still getting a bit inconsistent behavior though. I think it happens only when I try to use the hot key to start the procedure. The hot key to paste the result works every time.


    Here is a video of what is happening. Hope it is clear. If not let me know!




    Awesome video! I was testing using only keywords and now I was able to reproduce the issue.


    Please try this version: download now


    In addition, now the workflow will list the last used application right after you type the keyword ew making things a lot faster… :)

  2. Hey :)


    Thank you for making this. As a former user of quickcursor I find this extremely useful!!


    I have a couple of issues/requests though if you find them relevant.


    1) When I do ew and press enter I do not get a list of editors. Am I supposed to? At the moment I have to press space and type my editor (MacVim).

    2) If I try to do select and send a second time it does not always work. I will have to experiment with this one a bit more to give more details.

    3) With quick cursor the whole current text would be automatically selected if there was not a selection already. I find that this was better than always having to select the text before invoking the command.


    Any thoughts?






    3) can you please test the version of the workflow below? It tries to detect if there is a selected text by the user and if there is not then it will automatically select all text.


    In addition, it will place the cursor at the end of the text in this step of the workflow too.


    Download now


    Thank you. :)

  3. hi carlos, thanks for the nice workflow, the updates look great. is there a way to add an option for appending to the beginning of the file instead of to the end? thanks. 


    Evernote does not have a prepend command only an append one.


    I think it would be possible to do it manually (and I’ll make some tests) but for now I’d like to use only Evernote native commands.

  4. Hey :)


    Thank you for making this. As a former user of quickcursor I find this extremely useful!!


    I have a couple of issues/requests though if you find them relevant.


    1) When I do ew and press enter I do not get a list of editors. Am I supposed to? At the moment I have to press space and type my editor (MacVim).

    2) If I try to do select and send a second time it does not always work. I will have to experiment with this one a bit more to give more details.

    3) With quick cursor the whole current text would be automatically selected if there was not a selection already. I find that this was better than always having to select the text before invoking the command.


    Any thoughts?









    1) right now the workflow only uses Alfred internal feature to list applications but I’ll think in a way to make things easier when the user has already selected an application before.


    2) the workflow uses a combination of keystrokes so maybe it’s just a matter of timing e.g. after hitting the paste back command let the keyboard free, without any typing and so on.


    3) I couldn't find a way, using AppleScript, to do it. But I’ll make more tests ASAP.


    Thank you for your feedback!


    Great workflow, I am also going to be using this with Sublime. I was wondering is there anyway to ensure the selected text opens in a new tab not a new window as i have Sublime running most of the time with various columns and tabs.




    RIght now the workflow uses a generic formula to open a document. In fact, due some restrictions and even bugs I’ve found in some text editors regarding opening a document by using AppleScript, the workflow creates a new document and send a generic system (shell) open document that should be handled by the editor. In this case, maybe there is a way to set Sublime to open a new document in a tab instead of a new window. I’ll see what can be done.Thank you for your feedback!

  5. Thank you yoose for the detailed instructions. Thank you Carlos-SZ for providing the 5.7beta and the suggestions to quit Evernote and Alfred 2. I can now append text to existing notes. This is really helpful to my daily workflow. So appreciate this


    Great to hear and thank you for your feedback!


    By the way, version 6 is coming soon:

    • Easily import selected messages in Mail
    • Imporved New Note from Text Selection if topmost application is Mail
    • URL and email URL added to source URL field of the note (instead of appended to the end of the note)
    • Improved support for multiple selected files in Finder
    • New Note from Finder Selected Files: note creation date will be the file one (thanks to dantetemp)
    • Removed dependency from OSX preference Access for assistive devices
    • Several internal improvements including support for Alfred 2.0.3 (187) that fixes some issues regarding AppleScripts
  6. First, this is a kick ass work flow. Second, I can't seem to get it to run now. every time I type 'newf' it just goes to a google search for newf.


    This happen to anyone else?




    UPDATE: fixed it. I had installed Pathfinder as my default finder and that's what was screwing things up.


    Thank you for the feedback.


    A new version of the workflow is coming soon:


    • streamlined features focused on content creation
    • prepend or append (with or without a custom date format) any file in working folder
    • easily take notes from emails
    • URL and emails link with markdown format as an option
    • several improvements



  7. Everything is up-to-date.  Have tried running your script but get Syntax error - expected "," but found property or key form.  Nothing showing in result box.  Tried to post a screen shot but am not allowed to.  When I do ennew it doesn't give me the options it only says create a new note in Evernote and search Google Amazon and Wikipedia so I can't add something from clipboard. 


    Did you also try version 5.7 beta?


    Are you running OSX 10.8.3?


    When you see the error in that script is any line of the script highlighted?


    Would you mind to send the screenshot and talk about the issues using an email? You can contact me at carlos.sz at gmail dot com.


    Thank you.

  8. Have enabled access for assistive devices quit Alfred2 and restarted it.  Deleted evernote workflow and reimported it but it has made no difference.


    1. Make sure Evernote is updated; try to restart Evernote too.


    2. Make sure to update Alfred 2


    3. If you have some free time you can try to see if there is an error message following the instructions in post #98


    2. Finally, you can try the version 5.7 beta of the Evernote workflow that is still in progress: download now

  9. Help - I can't get this workflow to work - what am I doing wrong?  I put in ennew but as soon as I type the w it  starts to search Google, etc.  It's the same when I try ent as soon as I press the space bar and then a letter it begins to search Google, etc 



    There is a good chance that your problem is the same that we discussed in the previous page.


    Please go to System Preferences, Accessibility and check Enable access for assistive devices:



    In the next workflow version this system feature should not be necessary.

  10. Can someone explain how to append to a note? Specifically, nothing happens after this step

    hold fn key (the subtitle will indicate the appending operation) and hit return key

    I can create notes in the Evernote app fine. However, the fn key followed by the return key does not trigger any notes to append to



    after you press enter you should be back in alfred with the text "* note" in which case you can type to search the note you want to append to. however, there should be some notes that are shown in the alfred result list.


    Thank you yoose.


    Here is a step by step:


    1. select some text in e.g. Safari

    2. bring Alfred and type the keyword ennew

    3. highlight the item New Note from Text Selection

    4. hold fn key and hit return key

    5. now, as yoose said, you should see Alfred again with the text ❊ note and a list of Evernote notes

    6. select a note and hit return key

    7. now wait a bit because the workflow will copy the text and append to the selected note


    If you are not seeing step 5 please reinstall the workflow. If you are still having problems I can send you the current in progress version that already has several improvements.

  11. Carlos-Sz, thank you for great workflow!!


    I just made a small modification to it, perhaps someone else will benefit from it as well. The objective is to retain file creation date when creating a note from selected Finder file.



    In file "create_evernote.scpt" I added a line "set theFileDate to creation date of theFile" and few other words "set n to create note title sText from file x created theFileDate".


    If you find it useful, probably you can update the workflow in next version.


    Great idea. You can count on it in next update along with: (1) improved multiple files from Finder; (2) add new note from Mail app messages; (3) a lot of improvements… :)


    By the way, if you’d like to test a pre-release let me know.

  12. Thanks for the reply David. I tried this and all it does is present me with two search methods when I type the keyword, instead of letting me type my search term and search both sources simultaneously. If you or anybody else has any ideas I'd appreciate them.



    I also have a plain text file workflow that has a search module.


    If you set both Evernote and the plain text file workflows with the same keyword it should work.


    Here is a working in progress of the Evernote workflow with some improvements: download link


    I’m also updating the plain text file workflow with several improvements. If you have any trouble with the current release let me know and I’ll send you a copy of the “in progress" plain text file workflow.

  13. thanks so much for the detailled HowTo (especially the key commands :-) )

    This is the error i'm getting



    "Der Zugriff für Hilfsgeräte ist deaktiviert" is german for "access to help-devices(?) is deactivated".

    I went straight to the system preferences and activated them - everything works like a charm now :-)


    thanks so much! Great tool and workflow!


    Great to hear and thank you so much for the feedback! :)


    PS: I’ll try to remove the part of the code that requires this preference

  14. Hi there,


    i am very much a newbie on everything mac. My rMBP arrived 3 hours ago, first thing i did was install Alfred because i've heard of it from OSX users before.

    Now i found this awesome workflow.

    Sadly, adding new notes doesn't work at all for me. Searching for Notes does work and the notes show up correctly.

    If i add a new note via "ennew mynote" or "typenote mynote" - nothing happens and nothing new shows up in evernote.



    - OSX 10.8.3

    - Alfred 2.0.3

    - Evernote Workflow 5.5 beta (i tried the latest stable before, which also didn't work) - i'm not sure if this is correct. I used the following version


    I have no other workflows installed.

    Any help is very appreciated!



    First of all, congratulations for you new MacBook!


    Now let’s try to see what is going wrong:


    1. download this file and unzip it to your Desktop

    2. you should see a file named en_addnote_test.scpt

    3. now start the application AppleScript Editor (you can use Alfred or Spotlight to start it)

    4. now open the file I sent you (while in the AppleScript Editor you can hit Command+O)

    5. you should see something like this:




    6. Now click the button Run

    7. This will try to create a note “test” in Evernote

    8. You should see an error in some point: please take a screenshot or copy the error that will be displayed in Result


    Every bit of information will help me to see why the workflow is not working in your system, though it is working in both my iMac and MacBook.


    Thank you in advance.

  15. Awesome work but if I may request a feature, I would like the ability to point to a url and convert it to imgur if possible?


    So like, i pop up alfred and type "upimgur http://www.somesite.com/images/frog.jpg" and it will upload the image from that site to imgur and copy the imgur link to my clipboard.


    Would be really useful i think


    Nice suggestion but the workflow was made to work with local files only.


    Any chance to have the option to use this workflow with Path Finder?


    Added to my to do list. Thanks.


    Is it possible to edit it so it uses my imgur account? It works beautifully as is, but I actually like to store my web images there in case I ever want to link to them again. 


    Right now it is not possible and as far as I remember upload to an account would be a completely different code.

  16. Let’s make a test:


    1. download this workflow I made named Now

    2. double click the file to install it

    3. once installed quit Alfred preferences

    4. now bring Alfred (usually option+space)

    5. now type the keyword now

    6. now hit return key



    You should see the current time.

  17. I've tried several times the Add to Evernote file action, but nothing happens. I must be doing something wrong. Any ideas?


    Please, install the following version of the workflow: Evernote


    This new version, that will be released soon, takes advantage of Alfred 2.0.3 (187) Apple Script improvements.


    So, make sure to update Alfred then install the new workflow version.


    Finally, make sure to update Evernote too or, if updated, try to restart it.

  18. Hi Carlos,


    Thanks for this workflow. 


    Is it also possible to tag an email I am writing with this workflow?

    I use mailtags also a lot in emails I'm sending out, so this would save me a lot of time.


    Thanks in advance,



    Right now the workflows relies on email selection.


    I’ll see if Scott can do something about it too.

  19. This seems a bit weird...was the wording reversed on the Yes and No part?





    Please, ignore the subtitles. In this step there should be only titles.


    About the step itself:


    - select NO if you want a regular link for images so you can use in most of the forums (most of them requires a file extension).

    - select YES if you would like to have a shortened URL for all files, including images.


    Thank you for spotting it. I will fix it for the next update.



    Awesome, thank you!  The new "copy" functionality truly makes this workflow irreplaceable!


    Thanks!  :D


    Great! :)

  20. Much thanks for stepping up when I dropped the ball. Indeed it's much faster for me too. ;)








    Hi Pedro.



    2-It is a little bit too slow. (I think that I could go sometimes faster using the mouse)




    What exactly do you think it is slow? The list of mailboxes or the fact that you have to bring Alfred, type the mm keyword, find the mailbox and then hit return?


    The list of mailboxes is really fast here.


    Anyway, work with a custom list of mailboxes (favorites) will speed up the move process for sure.


    Here is a suggestion:


    1. Use a modifier key to “Add to favorites"

    2. Use a second keyword like mmf or just mf to list favorites mailboxes instead of read mailboxes from Mail


    And here is another suggestion:


    1. Create a keyword to list INBOX emails

    2. After selecting an email a list of favorites mailboxes could be displayed in Alfred so we could select the destination


    This way we could clean up the INBOX without even look to Mail itself.

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