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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. I combined avayl's original post with VĂ­tor's suggestions, cleaned up a few of the calls to Google Chrome (my installation was trying to start Chrome in parallels, which is weird), and came up with the following: New Chrome Window on alfred_script(q) tell application "/Applications/Google Chrome.app" make new window activate end tell end alfred_script New Chrome Tab on alfred_script(q) tell application "System Events" set myList to (name of every process) end tell if (myList contains "Google Chrome") is false then do shell script "open -a '/Applications/Google Chrome.app' --new --args" else tell application "/Applications/Google Chrome.app" to make new tab at end of tabs of front window end if end alfred_script New Chrome Incognito Window on alfred_script(q) tell application "System Events" set myList to (name of every process) end tell if (myList contains "Google Chrome") is false then do shell script "open -a '/Applications/Google Chrome.app' --new --args --incognito" else tell application "/Applications/Google Chrome.app" to make new window with properties {mode:"incognito"} end if end alfred_script
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