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Marcin Bogdanowicz

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Everything posted by Marcin Bogdanowicz

  1. Thanks for this topic. I've got an additional question: how to remove diacritic marks in queries using commands of this bash script? I've been messing with commands such as sed and tr, but to no avail. Apart from this, some may find useful my tweaking with the script: I've discovered that for this script to work, the option of 'escape spaces' has to be unchecked.
  2. It would be great. And by the way what about updating your workflow, sorry I'm a newbie and don't know if it happens automatically or not.
  3. Thank you. However, with regard to your category of "docs" I've noticed that Alfred shows not only .png but also .jpg files because I opened a lot of them yestarday, which fulfilled almost whole of Recent-files workflow's list of recent docs. Therefore I was wondering if it won't be difficult to turn a custom category, say c2, into documents exclusively, i.e. excluding images altogether? I've made some quick research and found a pretty handy web page with UTI types which may turn out to be useful for someone (see below). Nevertheless personally, I've finally come to a conclusion that unlike images there is far too many UTI file types for documents to be found out only there, let alone including .odt, .ods, and many other Open Office and Windows Office newest types (i.e. .xlsx, .docx, etc.), which are not listed on the page: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Miscellaneous/Reference/UTIRef/Articles/System-DeclaredUniformTypeIdentifiers.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009259-SW1 but hopefully, you know some simple solution to this document-only issue... And if there is no better solution than ferreting out a few-yard long list of UTI document types , I rather stick to the "doc" category of yours and my newly created custom category of "images".
  4. Thanks a lot, it works very well even without opening an image beforehand - Alfred showed me three .png images, two of which opened as far as four days ago. By the way, I've noticed that the command "rec doc" shows not only recent docs but also images, in fact on the list of so enumerated "docs" I have now exactly those three abovementioned .png images. So does the category "doc" comprise images, incl. other than .png images, as well?
  5. OK. thanks. In such a case, a newbie like me should know that the hotkeys must be set to send "text", e.g.: 1) up 10 - will mean increase the volume level by 10% 2) down 20 - will mean decrease the volume level by 20% 3) mute - is just mute 4) unmute - will result in the opposite action to mute, i.e. will restore the volume level from before the mute action. 5) more possible texts you may distill from the description of the original ver (http://www.alfredfor...djust-workflow/)
  6. A fantastic workflow! Thanks a lot. The workflow is enormously useful. I'm trying to turn a custom category 1 into images/photos/pictures. However, in all probability I've set wrong file type names because Alred says "there is no recent images" after me entering into this newly created category of mine that I called "images". Could anyone please provide respective type names here? Most likely it'll start working like magic after typing in proper file types.
  7. OK. I've figured it out. Following the link below you'll get the updated version with hotkeys. And thanks a lot to the author of this workflow, Victorquinn, since it wouldn't be possible to do this simple tweaks of mine. Here you'll find the enhanced version with hotkeys + the description of how to use them: download
  8. It's a simple enhancement of the workflow 'Volume Adjust' (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1968-volume-adjust-workflow/). The only tweak I've made is introducing hotkeys which are not available in the original workflow at all. Here's the enhanced version: download A remark to this version: With regard to a F15 hotkey of mine you should know that in most, if not all, non-Apple keyboards is a 'Pause' key (the third one after F12).
  9. Do you happen to know how to add shortkeys to this workflow? This would greatly enhanced its usability.
  10. With hindsight, I should ask you for providing a link to place where one can browser for a workflow, rather than asking for a direct link to a workflow. At any rate, to my surprise I've googled it very easily, and here you go: a place where you can search for a workflow: http://www.alfredforum.com/forum/3-share-your-workflows/ the workflow mentioned by Vero: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1101-should-i-watch-this-movie-with-google-suggest/?hl=%2Bshould+%2Bwatch+%2Bthis+%2Bmovie
  11. thank you so much dfay and Vero, you are awesome, especially dfay deserves credits for his link to absolutely accurate workflow! By the way, I think it would be useful for others if you, Vero, pasted in the link to the workflow you've mentioned. It sounds very like that of dfay's example, but may have also a specific ring of relevance for somebody. Perhaps it sounds like asking to much, but please understand that for a Newbie like me the title of a workflow is sort of a mystery when it comes to localise it as much as many other things with Alfred app.
  12. Does anyone happen to come across a workflow or a feature in Alfred allowing to search a query with multiple search engines at the same time? So in other words, normal searching for a word or phrase (through Alfred of course) would result in opening as many tabs in default browser as one would type keywords of search engines in an Alfred dash. In my view it's so usefull a feature that I'm sure somebody has already thought about it. I personally used to use such group searching for online shopping or looking for an e-book or audiobook.
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