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Posts posted by FroZen_X

  1. Meanwhile, I also frequently drag and drop pictures; how might I adapt the script to copy an image from a browser or email into one of the selected folders by either right clicking or dropping into a folder on my desktop? 


    I use hazel to organize files that get saved in my downloads folder, desktop etc. There is no easy way of what i know tho. 

    In Alfred 3 i know that the clipboard will have images too, so lets see what that will bring.


    Keep in mind that you can also search with Alfred for files and then drag and drop out of Alfred. You don't have to extra open finder.

  2. Hey ctwise, hey Shawn,


    thanks for your feedback and your code. I'll keep the point about different ruby versions in mind. 


    However, from a more general point, would it make sense to rather learn python to use the broad range of workflows already written for alfred? At least that is the impression I got when I looked in some workflows I downloaded?





    This has been asked a few days ago here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8682-screenshot-to-folder-tagger/page-3

    Deanishe gave a pretty good answer to that on the following page: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8682-screenshot-to-folder-tagger/page-4

    which hopefully helps you :)

  3. Alfred should on itself show up on any desktop mmhh Did you try to change your hotkey for Alfred as command +  space is usually for spotlight. Other than that 

    turn under Appearance -> Options -> Focusing to Standard Mode. 

    Other than that would be good to give a better description of what you do and also of your settings as i don't have any problems. 


    What Vero will ask you i guess is to fill in your Powerpack Email in your Profile Settings, if you haven't done yet. Only Admins can see it.

  4. Re-open Alfred and hit the up arrow. That will bring back your previous query.


    Too many keypresses? Assign a hotkey to the following AppleScript (with Alfred or Fast Scripts or whatever):

    -- Open Alfred
    tell application "Alfred 2" to search ""
    -- Wait for Alfred window to appear
    delay 0.2
    -- Simulate Up-Arrow keypress
    tell application "System Events" to key code 126

    You may need to increase the delay 0.2 (or you may be able to reduce it).


    If its just about having the previous query back, then you can also change your settings. Under Advanced -> History -> Activate "Show latest history if within 5 minutes"

    I got the tip from Vero a little while ago: https://twitter.com/alfredapp/status/711159248017858562


    Generally, it's a better idea to ignore the Run NSAppleScript Action and use the normal Run Script Action with language = /usr/bin/osascript (AS) instead.


    The reason is that Alfred blocks while a Run NSAppleScript is running, so you can't use Alfred, but a Run Script is always run in the background.


    I didn't know that, so thanks for pointing that out :) I changed the workflow and uploaded it again.

  6. Sorry to resurrect this old post, but does anyone have this workflow or an alternative that does the same thing?


    I made you one Workflow that creates a New Blank Mail here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9h4ewrhsbyqsiv/Create%20New%20Blank%20Mail.alfredworkflow?dl=0

    Could change preferences for it, but i guess this is what you wanted.


    In case the link would die, here is the Applescript:

    tell application "Mail"
       make new outgoing message
    end tell

    To add preference it has to be like this:

    tell application "Mail"
       make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, subject:"My Subject", content:"My Body"}
    end tell

    Found it here: http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.21/21.09/ScriptingMail/index.html


    If you want you could also do this with a query to define directly your Subject, Content etc.


    Hope this helps you :)

  7. Like Andrew said don't be disrespectful...Alfred is a really powerful and wonderful app and the Alfred team plus people on this Forum are happy to help. 

    You hast have to be nice like other people. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    In addition to that google and check the forum before making a post. You can also check Alfreds help where a lot of things are explained.


    Another thing is that Andrew is definitely not lazy. I don't know if you have ever written any kind of software, but i can assure you making something robust the way Alfred is and so clean 

    is not just done in a few minutes.


    So now your problems. Andrew pointed out how you can fix your application problem. The reason why you get different suggestions is cause of the use you have for those. When you call an 

    app more often, its going to end up higher in the list. Youtube gets usually opened in your default browser but can be easily changes. For youtube searches and so on i can suggest this 

    workflow here: http://www.packal.org/workflow/searchio


    Other than that Alfred can be used for almost everything, just check out packal.org and you can check out most of the workflows available.

    I use it more than 80 times a day and at projects over 250 times so guess that speaks for itself.






  8. Nothing to do with the auto complete, but what i usually do is to use the clipboard. If it is within in 3 months you can simply pop the 

    clipboard make a quick 3 character search copy and paste into Alfred again.

    Just a tip tho, with the rest does Vero or Andrew have to help you. Maybe it comes out in Alfred v3 

  9. This looks an ideal workflow, but your link has expired FroZen. Could you upload again please?


    Many thanks




    Sure, here is the Workflow: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mzo0525tj8w0y2b/Take%20and%20Move%20Screenshots.alfredworkflow?dl=0


    To change the shown folders where you can save the screenshots you have to go to the 

    Workflow folder and open "folders.py".

    There you can change this part to what you desire:

    FOLDERS = [
        '~/Downloads/Images/Delete in three days',
        '~/Downloads/Images/Follow Up',
        '~/Downloads/Images/I did this',

    It's brilliant isn't it. I'm inspired. 


    What's the best way to learn a bit more about coding in Alfred? I want to be prepared for Alfred 3. 


    You'll be able to do more in Alfred v3 without having to script anything. Other than that you can do a lot by looking at tutorials from 

    deanishe like here: http://www.deanishe.net/alfred-workflow/tutorial_1.html#adding-a-script-filter

    Knowing a programming language before you want to code anything in Alfred is a huge plus. Like i don't know much of Python scripting 

    but i know C, C++, C# etc. which helps a lot to understand whats going on. Together with a little piece of code and the help of Sir Google you

    can quickly make something your own. If you have then any other Problems then you can always ask here :)

  10. I can kind of reproduce the behaviour when i start an app that takes longer to open and open Alfred then. When the App opened 

    it pulls focus and Alfred closes.

    This happens when Alfred is set to Compatibility Mode under -> Alfred Preferences -> Appearance -> Options -> Focusing

    Change this to "Standard Mode" and check if you still have the problem.

  11. Is this what you're looking for?

    activate application "Preview"
    tell application "System Events"
    	tell process "Preview"
    		tell window 1
    			set value of text field 1 of group 3 of tool bar 1 to "testsearch"
    		end tell
    	end tell
    end tell

    Edit: Just saw you also want to jump to the page. This puts the search term into the search field, gotta check how the rest is done.


    Edit2: Found another way which was posted here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2522-search-in-pdf-files/

    tell application "Preview"
    	tell application "System Events"
    		tell process "Preview"
    			click menu item "Find…" of menu "Find" of menu item "Find" of menu "Edit" of menu bar item "Edit" of menu bar 1
    			keystroke "{query}"
    		end tell
    	end tell
    end tell
  12. Forgot to add your old folders here the version with the folders added: https://dropfile.to/3Zvu5


    The counter was wrong and somehow the version checking was giving another fault out, but 

    the counter was the main problem. Like it could make a screenshot and a screenshot 1 but never 2,3,4 etc.

    Idk why it didn't just overwrite them as i thought it would. Could be that it doesnt have the rights no clue

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