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Everything posted by nicke5012

  1. Just updated the workflow to 1.2. Improvements include: New features: added ability to mark tasks as completed through wlshow added ability to specify which list to add a task to in wladd Security improvements: Moved storage of credentials to the Keychain. Also, this means that from now on you'll no longer have to go through setup when updating the workflow! Aysun--hopefully you find the added functionality useful. @xilopaint--I tried improving the performance but as far as I can tell the slowness is due to waiting for responses from Wunderlist's API. I'll think more on this one. Enjoy! Nick
  2. Hi Aysun, that functionality isn't available yet--all task creations go to the inbox, and you can move from there. But thanks for the request! That's something I've been meaning to implement. I'm planning on updating the workflow with some performance adjustments and additional functionality (including this one) in the next week or two. I'll let you know when it comes!
  3. Totally agree, @xilopaint. I'm hoping to incorporate some performance enhancements in the next release which will hopefully address the issue. Thanks!
  4. Hi @xilopaint, that's a great idea. Unfortunately Wunderlist doesn't support smart lists with their API yet (but apparently they're working on it). Hopefully soon!
  5. Hi @xilopaint, just got the fix for special characters working, with a bit of help from deanishe. You can grab the newest version on Github. Enjoy!
  6. That was it! Thanks Deanishe! Super super helpful all around. And thanks for making the Alfred-Workflow module. I'll be looking to incorporate it into future workflows. This time around though I wanted to slog through it to figure out exactly what was going on--for example I'd never heard of unicode normalization before. Thanks again!
  7. Hi deanishe, ah looks like you're correct-- the API is returning UTF-8! Okay so that's not the problem. I still can't get the extension to work with special characters though, and would love some more of your help. I think there's still something I'm misunderstanding about how Alfred is encoding characters. In the workflow's Github repo, I added a simple "test" workflow in a subdirectory to illustrate the issue. Ideally with the test workflow, the Alfred command "test Å" should return "234"--you'll see from the workflow that I'm trying to access a dict with special characters as a key. That doesn't seem to work, although running the python script from the command line via "python test Å" seems to work just fine. Would love to know your thoughts here. Also, I put the latest code for the extension I'm working on on Github. I'm hitting the error at line 53. Thanks for all your help!
  8. Thanks for the heads up @xilopaint--currently working on fixing the issue!
  9. Ah ha! Thanks for your response deanishe! And thanks for looking into the code. I don't have the latest version on GitHub, but in it I do decode the text at the boundaries as you suggested below. That didn't solve the problem though, but with a bit of your help I was able to determine that the issue arises from the response from Wunderlist's API--it doesn't respond with UTF-8 as expected/documented. For example, for the troublesome request it comes back with: [ {u'created_at': u'2015-09-04T15:42:32.668Z', u'id': 182850841, u'list_type': u'list', u'owner_type': u'user', u'public': False, u'title': u'a\xb4\xb4\xb4\xb4\xc5\xc5\xc5\xb4\xb4\xc5\xce\xce\xce\xcf\xcd\xd2\u02c6\u201e\xcf\u0131\xd4\xcd\xd3\xd4\xcd\xcf\u0131\xc5\xcd\xaf\xc5\xcd\xe5\xe5\u2202\xdf\u02da\u02dc\u2264\u221a\xe5\xdf', u'type': u'list'}] Even if I try to take that title piece and use that string as a byte string and decode it the conversion doesn't work. Eg. b'a\xb4\xb4\xb4\xb4\xc5\xc5\xc5\xb4\xb4\xc5\xce\xce\xce\xcf\xcd\xd2\u02c6\u201e\xcf\u0131\xd4\xcd\xd3\xd4\xcd\xcf\u0131\xc5\xcd\xaf\xc5\xcd\xe5\xe5\u2202\xdf\u02da\u02dc\u2264\u221a\xe5\xdf'.decode('utf-8') I'll need to dig into it a bit more (if you have any suggestions they'd be much appreciated!) but just wanted to say thanks for the response. It did put me on the right track!
  10. I'm trying to make my workflow robust against special characters, and I'm having a bit of trouble. When I run my python script from the terminal with an argument containing special characters it works fine. Eg: python alfredwl.py show "a´´´´ÅÅÅ´´ÅÎÎÎÏÍÒˆ„ÏıÔÍÓÔÍÏıÅͯÅÍåå∂ß˚˜≤√åß" However, when I run it through Alfred as "wlshow a´´´´ÅÅÅ´´ÅÎÎÎÏÍÒˆ„ÏıÔÍÓÔÍÏıÅͯÅÍåå∂ß˚˜≤√åß" in a script filter my workflow seems to stumble on the character encoding. In my python script I convert arguments from UTF-8 into Unicode strings--I figured that would've worked for Alfred. What type of encoded string does Alfred's script filter pass onto the Bash script running? Thanks, Nick
  11. Hi @xilopaint, fixed and added support for special characters. Thanks!
  12. Hey David, ah sorry maybe I should've made the instructions more clear on the forum. To set up the workflow, check out the instructions on the Github page. Alternatively, I'm pasting them here as well (although Github will stay most up-to-date): Installation In the Github repo you'll find a file called alfredwl.alfredworkflow. Download that and double-click. If you have Alfred 2 it should automatically open and import the workflow. Setup You must set up this workflow before it can access your account. Setup involves two steps: 1. Getting a Client ID and Access Token from Wunderlist 2. Inputting the Client ID and Access Token to Alfred Just follow the two steps below to set up the workflow! Step 1: Get a Client ID and Access Token Go to https://developer.wunderlist.com/apps Click the Create App button Give the app a name and description, and input some url for the app url and callback url. It doesn't really matter what's input here, but here's an example: Name: Alfred2 Workflow Description: Integrate Wunderlist with Alfred App URL: https://github.com/nicke5012/alfredwl Auth Callback URL: https://github.com/nicke5012/alfredwl Click save for your app. Once your app is created you'll see details for your app in a greyed-out section on https://developer.wunderlist.com/apps. Copy down the Client ID shown. Click Create Access Token. Copy down the Access Token that is displayed. Step 2: Input the Client ID and Access Token to Alfred With the alfredwl workflow installed, start Alfred and type wlsetup followed by a space. Then paste in your Client ID and Access Token, separated by the characters ">>". For example, if your Client ID is "abcdef" and your Access Token is "ghijk", the full command to Alfred would be wlsetup abcdef>>ghijk Press enter to input your credentials. Off you go! Actions Actions are initiated by keywords in Alfred. Start Alfred and type any of the following to access the workflow wladd: Add a task to your Wunderlist. You can specify which list to add the task by typing "wladd >>[task name]". If no list name is specified, the task gets added to your Inbox. wlshow: Show your lists. From there you can select a list to see its incomplete tasks. You can also type "wlshow " to directly see the incomplete tasks in that list. When viewing a list's tasks, you can select a task to mark it as complete. wlsetup: Set up the workflow To-do It'd be great to be able to mark a task as complete when you select it through wlshow, however I can't seem to get the API to work with PATCH in Python's Requests module. If anyone has any idea how to make this work let me know!
  13. Hi everyone, I created a simple workflow to interact with Wunderlist. It allows you to add tasks, show your lists, and show incomplete tasks through Alfred. It has just a couple keyword commands: "wladd" and "wlshow". For more info and to get the workflow, check it out on Packal or Github. Let me know what you guys think! Nick
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