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Little favour to ask from Workflow Developers

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I hope I am not alone in wishing for this.


I like to call all of my workflows from external triggers. However there is one problem with this in that very few workflow developers actually include external triggers with their workflows. Spotify Mini Player for example does actually include external triggers for nearly all functions that are available in the workflow and it is one of the many reasons why this workflow is great. 


But most workflows do not. So when I add my external triggers on my own, on next update, everything gets erased and I have to create these external triggers again and again with each new workflow update.


The real power with external triggers is that you can call them from other applications. I call all my workflows from Karabiner and it saves me a lot lot of time.


So all in all, I do hope you will consider adding some external triggers in the workflows you export and share. I would certainly appreciate it very much. And I hope a few other people here do too.


I myself ship all my workflows with both a hotkey trigger and an external trigger.


Thank you and I hope you consider adding this little change to your workflows. ?

Edited by nikivi
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