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clipboard access

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i would like to access the clipboard content from the terminal command so that i can pass it as an argument.


but when i tried to access the same it is literally printing the {clipboard:1}. 


Please help me on this regards,


cd "{query}"
echo {clipboard:1}
git difftool --dir-diff "{clipboard:1}".."{clipboard:2}"



output in the terminal 







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We can’t properly help you without access to your Workflow.

Debugging can already be hard with access to the code, and you’re asking us to guess yours from a description. There are multiple places where you code or Workflow setup may be going wrong. Without looking at it we’re shooting in the dark, which is a waste of time for everyone involved (including you).

Read the Reporting Problems with Workflows topic, as it gives a nice overview on how to build an effective report.

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