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Star items in the clipboard


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Contrary to many who ask for unlimited clipboard history, I prefer to keep mine trimmed down. Right now I go through the list once in a while and delete items which I won't reuse at all. However I sometimes end up deleting something useful. My request is to be able to star items in the clipboard history, so they can be skipped when doing a "clear history".

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@Gautam Welcome to the forum! Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile? This is only visible to admins (Andrew and I) and allows us to confirm you're a Powerpack user, given your feature suggestion is specific to the Powerpack. :)



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@Gautam Thanks for filling your details in :)


The Clipboard History itself is considered to be temporary, local data, and there's no way to "star" a clipboard item as such. However, if you choose a Clipboard text item you want to keep and press Cmd + S, you'll be able to save it as a snippet. Not only will the snippet then be saved as part of your preferences, it'll also be synced between your Macs.


You can keep a collection of snippets that's solely for the kind of "long term clipboard" items you have in mind. Pop up the Clipboard Viewer and type a few characters from that item to filter to it, rather than setting text expansion keywords for them.



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