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Run Simple Terminal Command in Alfred

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Here is a simple workflow the combines several basic (and frequently used) commands to help speed up your processes. There are several other workflows that do one or a couple of these... but I just combined them into one.


Keyword Trigger run followed by:

purge, flush, ip, show or hide, finder, dock or ow


purge - frees up RAM

flush - flushes your DNS

ip - shows your public IP

show - shows hidden files

hide - hides file that should be hidden

finder - relaunches the Finder.app

dock - relaunches the Dock

ow - relaunches the Finder.app and clears out the Open with Menu to only show the current versions of those Apps (bug in Mt. Lion) 


UPDATE - a collection of a bunch of workflows and terminal commands. 

relaunch - kills finder

desktop - hides items on your desktop

hidden - show/hide hidden files

purge - frees up RAM

owrest - ow - relaunches the Finder.app and clears out the Open with Menu to only show the current versions of those Apps (bug in Mt. Lion) 

lprest - resets launch pad

flush - OS Mavericks flushing of the DNS

wifi - turn on wifi see current network and get current network IP

ip - get your internal and external (public) IP

zip (or set hotkey) - creates archive of selected items

empty downloads - cleans out the downloads folder

space - gives you the remaining and used space % of internal and attached drives

subl - opens a file or project in Sublime Text 


Simple to edit and modify to add more... 



Download link : http://d.pr/f/1hMXB

Edited by Ginfuru
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Here is a simple workflow the combines several basic (and frequently used) commands to help speed up your processes. There are several other workflows that do one or a couple of these... but I just combined them into one.


Keyword Trigger run followed by:

purge, flush, ip, show or hide, finder, dock or ow


purge - frees up RAM

flush - flushes your DNS

ip - shows your public IP

show - shows hidden files

hide - hides file that should be hidden

finder - relaunches the Finder.app

dock - relaunches the Dock

ow - relaunches the Finder.app and clears out the Open with Menu to only show the current versions of those Apps (bug in Mt. Lion) 



Simple to edit and modify to add more... 


Download it - http://rnydm.us/NeFX


Finally, a solution to the "open with.." list bug! Thanks so much :D

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I'm using Growl for my notifications... I'm assuming you're using Notification Center instead or maybe your Growl theme is causing an issue??


my growl output:



my notification center output: (assuming this is what you're seeing??)


To get around that I would create separate keyword triggers,  for each terminal command and Set the output to this: 


Screen%20Shot%202013-03-20%20at%2010.03.  NOTIFICATION CENTER OUTPUT →→→Screen%20Shot%202013-03-20%20at%2010.02.




Out put will look similar to this: 


Edited by Ginfuru
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Well if you find out a fix... please share it 

I think i got something. The easiest i could find.

It appears that, in the notification object, when you don't specify anything, the echo goes in the first place it can find, in this case the title.

Simply, type {query} in the text slot and now you're good.

Well, it's not bold text, but stil better that truncated text :3

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Your link...Download link : http://i.makitra.in/TOcT...seems to be broken again.  Mind you it is 2 years after the post.


I am still using MTn Lion and many of your workflows work for me

This one works - http://d.pr/f/1hMXB


If you want to flush your DNS be sure to update the script since you're on Mt Lion 

dscacheutil -flushcache | sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
Edited by Ginfuru
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