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Toggle Visibility - Hide / Show any application in a super easy way

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The missing feature on your macOS, to make your macOS great again by enabling toggling the visibility of any application via hotkey.

It's especially useful when you work remotely without an external monitor.


There're two things in this workflow:

1. To easily choose / switch the target application via Alfred File Filter

2. To show / hide the target application via pre-set hotkey


I use this workflow so much and can't live without it, from coding, to video editing, to music mixing, to whatever software I've used.

The main benefit of this workflow is that you could always summon your workplace via hotkey, and more conveniently, you could easily switch your workplace from A to B, using the same hotkey.

Currently this workflow only supports one set of hotkey, while multiple hotkey is possible, personally I prefer focusing on only one app. Do one thing at a time, that's what I believe in. However, you could duplicate this workflow locally in your Alfred and change both the hotkey and the keyword of the file filter if you think that multiple workplaces is your thing ATM.


GITHUB: https://github.com/shuaibird/toggle-visibility-alfred-workflow

PACKAL: https://www.packal.org/workflow/toggle-visibility


Edited by shuaibird
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