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Copy title and url of bookmark

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I love that I can search bookmarks in alfred natively! I discovered that I can copy the url of the bookmark to clipboard by just using CTRL-C.


Now I am hoping to create a workflow to copy the bookmark's TITLE AND URL to clipboard. Whether in markdown format, or formatted as a rich text link, or just A and then B. 


How do i access the bookmark's title to be able to accomplish this?

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On 5/2/2021 at 4:47 AM, lehcar3 said:

How do i access the bookmark's title to be able to accomplish this?


You can't. Alfred's built-in bookmark feature only supports searching and opening bookmarks.


If you want to do something more exotic, like copy Markdown or RTF links, you'll need to use a workflow. There's doubtless one that can read your browser's bookmarks.

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Thanks @deanishe. I searched all day on Saturday and could not find what I was looking for -- There are many that do the link formatting that I want, but it's all the active browser tab, rather than referencing bookmarks. And in fact, I would probably not be using this workflow while IN the browser, I would normally be using it in Omnifocus. I wasn't sure how to modify those workflows (that do the url/title part I'm looking for) to be referencing a queried bookmark. 


I wasn't sure if my approach should be to combine something like this: http://www.packal.org/workflow/chrome-bookmarks-0 with something like this: https://github.com/esanai/lazylink and at what exact point should they be combined.


What I'm stuck on is that one part is a script filter (the querying I want to do in alfred) and then another one is running a script (making the link). It's almost like a file action...but not on a file?




The lazylink script works because, in the active browser, it defines link title as document.title. In my browser bookmarks file, the title and link are "name" and "url" in a json object. So I think I would need a script filter that searches the bookmarks file, like the one I linked above. And then run a script that parses out the json title and url and then formats that into a link (which lazylink has). I feel like I'm so close!




Screen Shot 2021-05-04 at 9.51.25 AM.jpg

Edited by lehcar3
more information gathered!
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5 hours ago, lehcar3 said:

I wasn't sure if my approach should be to combine something like this: http://www.packal.org/workflow/chrome-bookmarks-0 with something like this: https://github.com/esanai/lazylink and at what exact point should they be combined.


You need to alter a chrome workflow to output the URL and the title, and adapt that "lazylink" script to accept a URL and title (either on the command line or via environment variables).


What kind of Mac do you have? Intel or M1?

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