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Push/Pop Windows

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On 10/18/2021 at 5:47 PM, mrfusion said:

Is it possible to have Alfred push a window to the back or pop a window to the front with a keyboard shortcut?


If you can explain what you're trying to do in terms of the way the macOS window manager works, we can probably help.

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I don't know the ins and outs of how the window manager works, but the way it works on Linux is if I have a stack of open window terminals or programs, I can hit alt-F2 and push the window that my mouse is over to the bottom of the stack.  If I hit alt-F1, it will move the terminal or program window the mouse is over to the front of the stack.


Does that make more sense?


Thanks for any help.

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Right, I think I understand what you mean. The macOS window manager doesn't work that way, so there are no APIs for what you want, I'm afraid. The only thing you can do to an individual window is minimise it or bring it to the front. You can't move it forwards unless it's to the front, and you can't move it backwards at all.

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