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action modifier support delete key

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The section you highlighted is for modifiers—keys which don’t do anything on their own. ⌫ wouldn’t make sense to add because it’s a regular key which already does something in Alfred’s search box (it deletes text). Plus, ⌘⌫ also has meaning in macOS text editing, it deletes the line from the cursor to the left.


I get your desire for that particular shortcut in the results—I too have a Workflow where it makes intuitive sense—but there are practical obstacles to it.

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3 hours ago, vitor said:

The section you highlighted is for modifiers—keys which don’t do anything on their own. ⌫ wouldn’t make sense to add because it’s a regular key which already does something in Alfred’s search box (it deletes text). Plus, ⌘⌫ also has meaning in macOS text editing, it deletes the line from the cursor to the left.


I get your desire for that particular shortcut in the results—I too have a Workflow where it makes intuitive sense—but there are practical obstacles to it.


My description misunderstood you.


I hope modifer key support delete , then I can ⌘ + delete to trigger somthing on script item.



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Yes, I understood you. Now type something into Alfred and press ⌘⌫. What you’ll see is that your text gets deleted because ⌘⌫ already has meaning in macOS text editing. Same for ⌥⌫. You can’t simply make modifiers work for ⌫ without a new setting to specify it has to overwrite the common and expected behaviours. That in turn can trip up other users of your Workflow.


That isn’t to say it would be impossible to add the feature, but there are major practical obstacles which weren’t considered in the original request.

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