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Alfred 5 asking for Accessibility permissions after every boot since Ventura Upgrade

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I am running M2 MBA and upgraded to Ventura last week.


Since that, with every boot, Aflred 5 asks for accessbility permissions, even though they are present. 

What I have to do then is to delete the existing permission manually from settings, and let Alfred request it. It will then work until the next boot.


I have tried the normal Alfred 5 release channel and early release. currently runnint 5.0.4 2095.


Is this a known issue?



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@maikfrank you've probably already seen this help page: Granting Alfred Permissions on Your Mac. However, just in case you have not, it's worth looking at the section near the bottom of the page ("I've granted macOS permissions but they don't seem to work. What can I do?”). If you've already done that as well do please post again—and in that case I'm sorry not to have been of more help.



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@maikfrank It sounds like macOS may not be saving the permissions you've granted, as Alfred shouldn't need to ask again if macOS had correctly saved those permissions.


Could you temporarily create a new user account, grant the permissions there, then restart your Mac and see whether you get the prompt again in the other profile? This will help establish whether the issue is specific to your main profile (which could be a quirk / corruption due to the upgrade) or if it affects your Ventura install as a whole.


Let me know how you get on :)

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