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Expanding a snippet in write text file object

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I have a workflow that creates a text file in a specific path and appends the date when it is written. I also want to expand a snippet in the file but that part of the workflow is not working and i get my file with just the name of my snippet which is {snippet:.dmeta} I use a "." before all of my snippets.


Here is what my workflow looks like:





the keyword does not require an argument.

the variable is the path where i want to have the file written which has a date dynamic place holder /Volumes/Alfred is the best/my note {date:yyyyMMdd}.txt

and here is what my write to text file looks like:





Is there some reason why my snippet would not be expanding? If I use a dynamic place holder like {time} it works as expected.



Edited by sepulchra
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  • sepulchra changed the title to expanding a snippet in write text file object

I had some more time to futz with this problem and I stored the text I wanted to expand in the snippet as variable -- so instead of the snippet shown above, I used {var:variable name} and it works as expected.  While I solved my problem, I would still like to understand why my snippets aren't expanding using the method in my original post above. According to the information on this page: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/advanced/placeholders/ it should work as I originally wrote the workflow.





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  • vitor changed the title to Expanding a snippet in write text file object

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