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Find and directly open files in shared Google Drive

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I have recently downloaded the amazing workflow Google Drive by Vitor, but most of my work is done on a shared google drive.


I find it so frustrating to not be able to directly open files in that shared drive, does anyone know how to do this?


That would help me so much !





Thanks for the answer !


Yeah probably because i don't have the latest Mac i still need the workflow.


I have downloaded Drive for desktop and everything but while looking, I haven't found a way to sync the Shared Drive into my computer (which would allow me to use the workflow), even if I am one of the editor of this shared Drive.


the best I have accomplished is just create a shortcut, but it's apparently not enough


As long as you can see the files (don’t have to be downloaded) somewhere on your hard drive, it should work. But you do need to be able to see them locally.


Yeah I have created a shortcut in my Drive to this shared Drive so I can see it in my Finder, and even open files directly from my desktop but the workflow still cannot open directly the files from this shared Drive, which I don't understand haha. 


I have tried to put the location of this shared Drive from my desktop directly into the workflow but it has not worked either. 


Do you know what I can do to fix this? 


In the picture it's the ConvoCoach folder





Don’t use a link in the workflow, you need to set the true path. Also, run the diagnostic and post it in that thread. Making a separate thread splits the discussion and makes it harder for other people to benefit from the resolution.


Ok i have set the true path, still does not work.


Here is the diagnostic:


### Workflow version

### Alfred version

### macOS version

### Architecture

### Preferences
Dict {
    google_drive_path = ~/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-nativelle.alex@gmail.com/My Drive

### Full Disk Access

### Google drive path
Exists: /Users/alexnativelle/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-nativelle.alex@gmail.com/My Drive
259 paths

### Cache dir

### Cache file
16777220 107643794 -rw-r--r-- 1 alexnativelle staff 0 61440 "Sep 26 16:59:29 2023" "Sep 26 16:59:06 2023" "Sep 26 16:59:06 2023" "Sep 26 16:58:55 2023" 4096 120 0 /Users/alexnativelle/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.vitor.googledrive/cache.db

### Temporary cache
Does NOT exist

### Build progress
NOT running

### Launchd job
NOT loaded
NOT installed


thanks a lot for the help! 


There’s only one path in the configuration. You have to put a comma after it and add the other path. Then you have to rebuild the cache and wait for it to finish.


I'm sorry I fell I'm struggling so much with this and don't understand why. 


I've tried dozens of times to have only the path of the shared Drive, then just the path of my Drive (The shared Drive is IN it, because it is a shortcut), then both separated with commas but still not able to directly open files from the Shared Drive.


The diagnostic:


### Workflow version

### Alfred version

### macOS version

### Architecture

### Preferences
Dict {
    google_drive_path = ~/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-nativelle.alex@gmail.com/.shortcut-targets-by-id/1G1tbs-y_CLVDclsaFklkJB8v_YxhiFX7/Convocoach, ~/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-nativelle.alex@gmail.com/My Drive

### Full Disk Access

### Google drive path
Exists: /Users/alexnativelle/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-nativelle.alex@gmail.com/.shortcut-targets-by-id/1G1tbs-y_CLVDclsaFklkJB8v_YxhiFX7/Convocoach
108 paths
Exists: /Users/alexnativelle/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-nativelle.alex@gmail.com/My Drive
259 paths

### Cache dir

### Cache file
16777225 107643794 -rw-r--r-- 1 alexnativelle staff 0 61440 "Sep 26 16:59:29 2023" "Sep 26 16:59:06 2023" "Sep 26 16:59:06 2023" "Sep 26 16:58:55 2023" 4096 120 0 /Users/alexnativelle/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.vitor.googledrive/cache.db

### Temporary cache
Does NOT exist

### Build progress
NOT running

### Launchd job
Loaded: -    0    com.alfredapp.vitor.googledrive


You have to rebuild the cache, as explained in the workflow instructions, by using gd and pressing ⌘⌥⌃↩. Your diagnostic shows the cache was last rebuilt days ago. The workflow can only find what was already cached.

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