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Force Alfred to Utilize UID for All Keyword Types


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Is there a way to force Alfred to prioritize / use UID for everything with a keyword? E.g. including Web Search queries and keyword workflows with No Argument?


If not, this is a feature request for the behavior. The exclusion of these from prioritization has always seemed strange and inconsistent to me.

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Unless I’m misunderstanding your request, that already happens. Perhaps you’re using different text for the latching? For example, let’s say you have Photos and Photoshop. If you type p and always select Photos, Alfred will learn that and bubble it to the top. If you then type ph and always select Photoshop, Alfred will learn that too meaning that whenever you type p you’ll see Photos at the top and when you type ph you’ll see Photoshop. In other words, Alfred latches what you typed exactly. That is true for Keywords and Web Searches too.

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Ah. I had forgotten to try to press enter on a my Web Search query to latch it and was trying to latch by only pressing tab which won't trigger the autocomplete latching that Optional and Required Argument does. I was mainly responding to this response I got a while back but think I may have misunderstood what was meant:


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