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"Launch Alfred at login" setting not persisted


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OS: Sonoma 14.1.1

Alfred: 5.1.4 [2195]


Things I've tried:

- deleting any Alfred directories I've found (e.g. in ~/Library/Application\ Support)

- deleting the app

- "Clear application cache" from the app itself

- Re-"Request for permissions" using the app itself


But I can always replicate it:

  1. disappointedly manually running alfred from the spotlight or application menu
  2. open alfred preferences (via alfred or toolbar)
  3. check the "Startup: Launch Alfred at login" button.
  4. (even waiting a bit) 
  5. click "Quit Alfred"
  6. restart using 1. and see the option unchecked again


On restart Alfred is also not running again. So it's not just the checkbox that's not showing but the start on login functionality is also not as expected.


Can I see application logs somewhere?




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@Thanos Welcome to the forum! If you open System Settings > General > Login Items, is Alfred included in the "Open at Login" list? I would suggest you remove and re-add (via the [+] button) Alfred to the launch items, just in case there's been some corruption in macOS in the upgrade to Sonoma (which is a fairly common occurrence).


If the issue persists, could you please provide your Diagnostics file, which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred? You can then email it to our info@ email address so that I can take a look.

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@Vero thanks for the swift reply!

With your suggestion I understood and fixed the problem in the end: The login list already contained an "Alfred 4" app which was no longer there since the upgrade (moooonths ago).

After I did that, the checkbox selection was persisted properly and Alfred 5 could add itself again in the Login Item list.

So perhaps it's a good suggestion for Alfred to able to manage that version conflict or warn about what to do manually when it happens.


Thanks a lot!

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  • 1 month later...

Agree with @thanos on this one. I'm running Alfred 5 and had the same problem: the checkbox for start alfred at login (from Alfred 5 preferences) would not persist. I had Alfred 4 from previous version in the list of login apps so I removed that and added Alfred 5 to resolve. I would think that when checkbox in preferences is checked, alfred checks to see if current version is in the login apps, and if not, it would add it or provide instructions for user to do so manually. 

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