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Hotkey that "does the right thing" with selected text

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I'm building a workflow that uses "double-shift" as a hotkey to do things with selected text. For example, at work I have two different ticket systems, one prefixes IDs with "CNVS" (e.g. CNVS-1234) and the other with "g/" (e.g. "g/54321"). I'd like to be able to highlight either of these, tap "double-shift" and have it send me in a browser to the correct ticketing system.


What's the best way to achieve this with workflows? Can I avoid making a script in this case?



Duane Johnson

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What's the best way to achieve this with workflows? Can I avoid making a script in this case?


Just to be clear, I understand how to do this with ONE ticket prefix... it's a simple matter of connecting the Hotkey trigger to the Open URL action. What I'm trying to understand is how Alfred might be able to help me in pattern matching the prefixes so it can choose the correct Open URL action.

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def notify(msg, title = "Tell Me More")
		require 'rubygems'
		require 'terminal-notifier'
		TerminalNotifier.notify msg, :title => title
		`growlnotify -n "#{title}" -m "#{msg}"`

url = case "{query}".strip
when /^CNVS-(\d+)$/ then
when /^g\/(\d+)$/ then
	notify "I can't tell you more about {query}"

`open "#{url}"`

# Log of IDs we've recently visited
`echo "#{url}" >> ~/.tellmemore`



For posterity, the above script accomplished my aims. In workflows, I connected "Hotkey" to "Run Script" and chose Ruby as the language. It uses an optional TerminalNotifier ruby gem [1], or if unavailable, tries to use growlnotify.


[1] https://github.com/alloy/terminal-notifier

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