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Small issue with Google Search workflow

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The Google Search workflow is awesome but has one small issue - if there are no search suggestions it ends up searching google for 'g {query}' instead of just '{query}'. It can be remedied with one small change to the script filter, adding an item to the suggestion list if no suggestions were found, e.g.:



$utils = new ExtensionUtils();
$results = array();
$text = urlencode("{query}");
foreach( $xml as $sugg ):
$item = array(
'uid' => 'suggest {query}',
'arg' => $sugg->suggestion->attributes()->data,
'title' => ucwords($sugg->suggestion->attributes()->data),
'subtitle' => 'Search Google for '. $sugg->suggestion->attributes()->data,
'icon' => 'icon.png',
'valid' => 'yes'
array_push( $results, $item );
if ( count($results) == 0 ):
$item = array(
'uid' => 'suggest {query}',
'arg' => '{query}',
'title' => '{query}',
'subtitle' => 'Search Google for '. '{query}',
'icon' => 'icon.png',
'valid' => 'yes'
array_push( $results, $item);
if ( count( $results ) > 0 ):
echo $utils->arrayToXml( $results );
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