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[Workflow] Copy to Clipboard as an Action or as an option in Keyword Input


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I’d like to be able to use {query} in an AppleScript but as far as I could understand it is not possible because AppleScript can’t be used in Script Filter.


So I would like to be able to set a Keyword (with an argument required) and copy this argument ({query}) to the clipboard then add an AppleScript action that could read the clipboard and use the {query} this way.


To do so it would be necessary an action to Copy to Clipboard or an option in Keyword input to copy the argument ({query}) to the clipboard before running the action.


Thanks! :)



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You are correct in that Applescript isn't available as a default available language in the script filters, however, since bash is an available option, you could easily run scripts through that using osascript and passing the {query} value into the script as a parameter.

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Thank you David.


I’m still learning about AppleScript and Shell/Bash and things like these.


I think it is working:




Basically it is a New Text File with clipboard content created in the current Finder folder:


1) you can use a hotkey to create a new text file, or


2) you can use Alfred (key “newf”) to write the filename followed automatically by date and time or press CTRL key to use only the filename


Right now the workflow does not check anything e.g. if a file already exists...


PS: I studied some workflows in this forum and applescript samples from the web in order to compile this workflow.

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You look like you're already well down the track now, but FYI — the bash functions "pbcopy" and "pbpaste" are exactly what you need to interact with the clipboard without resorting to Applescript.


Thank you CarlosNZ. I’ll take a look at those commands.


I know a little about AppleScript but almost nothing of Bash. What I know is the old Visual Basic 6 (for Windows). :)

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