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Launch Apps / Files


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I've got a workflow set up to manage hotkeys to open apps.  I like that I can have one workflow with a bunch of hotkeys defined.  The only problem is that Launch Apps / Files doesn't tell me at a glance what it's opening.  I like that it allows to me open more than one app, but most of the time, I'm just opening one.  It would be nice to show the icon of the selected app if I just selected one app.


Here's a screen shot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xdsmfv9j1drreno/Screen%20Shot%202013-01-30%20at%205.59.19%20PM.png



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I have caps lock set to cmd-opt-control-shift.  So caps-lock R is for RDIO, caps M is for Mail, caps E is for Evernote and so on.  Pretty easy to remember when you get used to them, but I have a lot of them set, so it'd be nice to see what's mapped to what.

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