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Posted (edited)

I'm wondering why Alfred does not allow to choose between a New Window and a New Tab when it comes to opening a search engine's results in a browser? Such a feature is extremely important for people who do use a separate window for each topic or generally do not use one browser window for everything.


Making it should be possible one way or other. After all there is already a simple workflow which allow to open a query or an url in a new Safari Window, but it's very simple and limited, therefore I don't use it.

Edited by aharry

I'm wondering why Alfred does not allow to choose between a New Window and a New Tab when it comes to opening a search engine's results in a browser? Such a feature is extremely important for people who do use a separate window for each topic or generally do not use one browser window for everything.


Making it should be possible one way or other. After all there is already a simple workflow which allow to open a query or an url in a new Safari Window, but it's very simple and limited, therefore I don't use it.


Alfred simply instructs OS X to open the URL in your default browser, so that's down to the browser rather than Alfred.


In Safari, for example, you'll find the option under Tabs in the Safari preferences. It'll be similar for other browsers :)





Hello Vero, thank you for the quick response:) 


I agree to a point - in the Safari settings (as you said in the Tabs tab) you can set up opening links in new windows always but one of the very unwelcome upshots is that clicking on any casual link during surfing the Web will open it in a new window in the browser. To avoid this one has to open everything with CTRL which limits the ways you can open the links. That is why introducing such a functionality in Alfred as an option to tick for opening either a New Window or a Tab would make the use of Alfred much more flexible. The example of a script illustrating how probably easy it might be done can be found below and I believe that it shouldn't be difficult for Alfred developers to extend and implement it into Alfred app for good:


on alfred_script(q)

tell application "Safari"
if "http:" is in q or "www." is in q or ".com" is in q or ".de" is in q or ".edu" is in q or ".net" is in q or ".org" is in q then
make new document with properties {URL:q}
make new document with properties {URL:"http://www.google.com/search?q="&q}
end if
end tell
end alfred_script
source: the Alred workflow 'Safari Window' by auco

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